So this speech is dedicated to drug war veterans and martyrs, and the innocent people that have had their lives ruined by the Drug war.
Welcome to Nazi America
Zero tolerance, means total intolerance, how can this happen in a democratic society?
I hate to quote the Libertarian platform (1992) but :
The so called "War on Drugs" is a grave threat to individual liberty, to domestic order and to peace in the world; furthermore, it has provided a rationale by which the power of the state has been expanded to restrict greatly our right to privacy and to be secure in our own homes.
What this means to me and many Americans is that they fear the police more than the criminals. Why? Because anytime day or night, the police can and will smash down your door, because they say notice will allow you to get rid of evidence. The truth is that if you can get rid of evidence in 60 seconds, there wasn't enough to bother with in the first place. So they walk in your home, and if you move to reach for your glasses or the light switch, you will be shot to death. They ransack your home, smashing breakables, tearing up your furniture. When they are wrong they seldom apologize and you can't even sue for damages!The government has been rounding up and locking up dangerous pot smokers for over two decades, yet heroin use is up. What ever happened to the gateway theory that started this round up anyway?
Humans are curious, they always have been. Humans use drugs, they always have.
Clinton is now claiming tobacco as the gateway drug and wants to up the stakes in this ruse of a war. Meanwhile as newer more dangerous drugs are flooding our streets and schools Hard working American citizens (who have been stripped of property, voting rights and personal freedom) are serving life with out parole for growing a single pot plant. So the government in its infinite wisdom is releasing rapists, muggers, and murderers on the streets to make room in the prisons for pot smokers, drug addicts and alcoholics. They have closed mental hospitals putting patients in half way houses and on the streets. When they can't cope then end up spending much of their time in jail... Their solution More jails, more cops, bigger guns...
In March 1994 Chicago Housing Authority authorized drug and weapons sweeps (searches) of public housing projects. Basically the Chicago Police department did warrantless searches of all tenants apartments going from door to door..
The ACLU went to federal court and obtained an injunction against these unconstitutional searches. A week later President Clinton announced that they had come up with a constitutionally effective way (Re: loophole) to continue this policy of warrantless searches. Public housing tenants now have to sign away their right to privacy and consent to warrantless searches in their apartment leases... or get out.. Bottom line if your poor you have no rights in this country. This practice will spread quickly, what's next student housing? Trailer Parks? Coming soon WARRANTLESS SEARCH AND SEIZURE to your town...The current war on drugs is a all out fiasco. In order to keep the statistics up the war is being wages primarily against Marijuana smokers. It goes something like this: Teams of undercover cops enter an area or town and use each other as references of "being cool" they hang out at bars and try to get people to get high with them or get invited to parties. Once they have established some trust, they ask pot smokers do you know where I can get some? If they see someone with a baggie they ask can "I buy a joint or some of your bag. The person often sell a small amount as a favor to their new found friend. This makes them a dealer in the eyes of the law. This goes on for about a year or two then they go back and arrest everyone who was friendly to them and charge them with distribution of drugs, all the time missing the real dealers who are smart enough not sell to strangers. This is why "major" drug investigations that take 18 -20 months net six or seven ounces of pot and land 15 - 20 people in jail on dealing charges. each facing 10 - 15 years in jail under mandatory sentencing laws .
Now that they got them dead to rights they blackmail the prisoners telling them that they will consider dropping charges if they will narc on x number of other smokers or dealers. If these dangerous pot smokers won't plead guilty or help out the cause or if the police have a weak case because of entrapment or evidence procedures, they offer a plea bargain for probation in return for a guilty plea which will be expunged, (which seldom happens).
Under civil forfeiture statutes passed by Congress in the 1980s, the federal government now has the right to seize real estate, vehicles, cash, securities, jewelry, and any other property connected to a marijuana offense. The government need not prove that the property was bought with the proceeds of illegal drug sales, only that it was used - or was intended to be used - in a crime. A yacht can be seized if a single joint is discovered on it. A farm can be seized if a single marijuana plant is found growing there. According to Steven B. Duke, a professor at Yale Law School, in some cases a house can be seized if it contains books on marijuana cultivation. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the government can seize property even when its owner had no involvement in, or knowledge of, the crime that was committed. When property is seized, its legal title passes instantly to the government. The burden of proving its "innocence" falls upon the original owner. In 1994 assets worth roughly $1.5 billion were forfeited under state and federal laws. In perhaps 80 percent of those cases the owner was never charged with a crime. The governments sell the forfeited property often at bargain basement prices to support continued investigations. In every case the police keep all the money and all the drugs...Another scenario is that these undercover cops, don't find any drugs or people to buy from. Well then they turn the tables. They get into the evidence locker pick out some pretty bags and go out and sell them. Meanwhile the uniforms arrest patrons taking back the pot so it can be resold.
In every case they keep all the drugs and all the money.
Every once in a while they actually catch someone who is actually selling for a living, a real dealer. Do they arrest him or her? No they watch them for months and arrest all the patrons while they gather evidence. I have heard stories of the cops actually supplying dealers with pot during dry spells so that the investigation can continue...
Why is the seizure of drugs money and property so important to these narcotics investigations?
Because for years people have been complaining about their tax dollars being used in these ways, budgets were cut and now revenue enhancement is the only way these guys can keep their jobs.
This is why stories of drug plants and entrapment are becoming more and more common. It is also why innocent people are having their property taken away, being jailed for unjust reasons and being killed by police without ever committing a crime...
My solution is so much simpler. If a person who is curious and of age wishes to experiment with or use tobacco, hemp, steroids, alcohol, or use birth control, anti-biotics, vitamins or pain killers. They would be enrolled in a educational program on the effects of these and other drugs. Upon passing a test on effects of various substances and signing waivers, would be given permission to use these drugs as an informed citizen.
I am not saying PCP or Crack should be legal, but as a civilized culturally diverse educated country we should allow access to more than caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.
I know we would still have to have laws pertaining to driving and public use of some substances. But the police will need something to do when the violence from the drug generated undergrounds disperse.Again I ask...
Zero tolerance, means total intolerance, how can this happen in a democratic society?
The real question to be attended to today is what are you going to do about it? John Galt Jr.