Well it's Christmas Season again, I can remember when Christmas was just a day...
There are people who have accused me of trying to ruin Christmas, all by myself...
So I don't celebrate Christmas, the truth is I don't celebrate and traditional Holidays. I celebrate my Birthday because is is somewhat uniquely mine. I celebrate 4/20 because I want to. I have had short term traditions with some days. Thanksgiving dinner at various places over the years, Festivals on memorial day and labor day weekends. But time has taken away my ability to enjoy the trips and scenes.
I have plenty of good reasons to not celebrate Christmas.
First off Christmas is a Christian holiday, and I am not a Christian.
Christmas has become the celebration of the renewal of American consumer debt, rechaining them for another year of slavery to the system. and I don't believe in using Debt.When I grew up, we always had plenty of presents under the tree, followed by months of fights and bitching about how to pay for it. I didn't see an upside.
My first wife was a Christmas freak, Christmas season started on the 5th of July complete with Christmas carols.
The year we married, I allowed her to be in charge of Christmas, as I had little interest.
I was working a temp job, she was 11 months pregnant. We discussed that we could not afford to buy presents for the whole world, and would only buy for immediate family.
I gave her a couple hundred dollars for shopping and $60 for groceries. She came home with piles of presents for her whole family, including aunts uncles cousins etc.
She forgot to buy groceries or get anything for my side of the family.
a month later she left for good, and left all the presents behind, two months later she sold the trailer, that I and her newborn baby were living in.
The presents were still in the closet, when they towed the trailer away and no body got any presents that year.
Merry Fucking ChristmasChristmas Cheer