Evil Dog breeder

I have been branded with many labels in my life, most derogatory, the latest "Dog Breeder", so now I am certain I will rest in Hell.
`Yes, I am a dog breeder, a terrible rotten scum sucking breeder of dogs for my personal needs and satisfactions, a virtural puppy mill tender in slow motion. Not only that I am guilty of breeding, I breed mixed breed dogs from parents with no papers or social standing what so ever. Yes I even gone so low as to breed rescued dogs, instead of chopping off their testicles because just because some stupid human didn't want them anymore. So fine me, jail me, send me to hell. But don't blame the dogs. Wait I'm not breaking any laws...

First the kids and wife grew up and left and then the capitalist world declared they no longer desired my skills and services, and I say desire rather than need my skills, because retail is going striaght to hell on the backs of unqualified people, being supervised by other unquailified people, who achived their position by simply never quitting or getting fired. But that is an entirely different rant. Any how, I decided to fill my life with canine companions and their everlasting unconditional love. I had a old Dachshund, so I looked for breeding females five or six thousand dollars?

I decided to develop my own breed of dog. The basic Idea was a mixed breed small dog, Doxie based, that wouldn't cost 5 - 20 thousand dollars a pup. So I researched small dogs and decided that I wanted a Doxie, yorkie, Maltaz poodle. Add to that Chin or chinese crest, or shih tzu and to exclude Mexican hairless, Pomeranian, chihuwa and Jack russells.
So I rescued a poodle/chinese crested mix and breed her with my old doxie, (first step in the breed longer legs for the doxies.) Three years later I mated up one of those pups, with a shih tzu, with very interesting results. Now I have to wait two years for these pups to be old enough to breed, because I know these smaller dogs need to wait for breeding for the health of mommy and pups. So I am looking to buy or trade for a dog to breed two years from now, they don't always come ready to go...

Meanwhile I got people bashing me online and in the streets like I am running some kind of puppy mill.
So this womam online unloads on me as to why I am buying and selling dogs at the same time. To which my answer is I am not buying just looking, just like the thousands of people who have "looked" at my dogs online.
Why is it any of your damn business?

I know that there are Millions of Pit bull and Pit bull mixes, as well as some other dogs, in shelters all over the country, and I also know that I and many other people don't always want a pit bull or some other dogs that has been pre-ruined by being starved, beaten tortured or negleted. All dogs start as good dogs, people screw them up, so do I need to fix or deal with someone else's creation?

Well I do that also, Some people believe that I am a dog whisperer, I take in dogs that are need, because people screwed them up, figure out what the problem is and fix it, so the dog can live out his life healthier and happier in a new home.

At the same time as a small breeder, Since I only need one or two of the dogs from each litter, I re-home the rest. I also keep pups longer than most breeders because the better trained, the happier life the dog will have. The fact of the matter is not all people are willing and or able to deal with training puppies, which can be a difficult job.

Since I established my hobby six years ago, 24 dogs have lived here at Jazzberry Farm.

Of the 17 dogs produced here, 12 were rehomed, ten of those people, stay in contact, sending pictures and notes, 2 even stop by and visit from time to time, 2 others I go to visit.

Of the 7 rescues, one passed from old age complications, 3 are still hanging around and 3 were re-homed. (The 3 puppies dumped in the barn yard at dusk).

Of the 8 dogs I currently have three were / are foster / rescues. One of which is currently staying with my mother to keep her company, when noone is there. The mommy dog was born here and the other four are her puppies. Two puppies will be staying here to live, the other two were promised out but never picked up. One because the people got a dog elsewhere and forgot to tell me, the other the person forgot she didn't own a car and wanted me to travel 200 miles away to deliver her puppy.
So if you must know, I have no intention of buying or breeding any dogs for myself until as least three of the ones I have find their new forever homes.

So what exactly am I running here at Jazzberry Farm?
an animal clinic, an animal rescue, A puppy Mill? Don't forget the petting zoo! and what is with the stage in the back yard?
Perhaps I'm just a con man who lures people in with cute puppies and sends them home with rehabilitated dogs?
It seems to me that I am running a no kill shelter and breeding dogs at the same time. There must be a law against that? Nope...

The answer is quite simple, none of the above. You run businesses, you live life and I choose to share my life with as many canine friends as possible, because most people are quite simply assholes. I just have an expensive hobby.

My main message to all those brainwashed idiots is grow up and mind your own damn business or I will bring all my little dogs over to shit on your lawn.

Other breeders

Woman posted My 10 month old fox terrier is in heat, any studs available?
A dozen people commented right away, that she was too young to breed, to which she responded she is bleeding.
to which half of them responded that she shouldn't be breeding dogs at all. After all its the human equivalent of breeding an 8 or 9 year old girl.
Evil or stupid?

The Amish have a bad rap for running puppy mills. Some people don't like that they treat them like animals, and keep them in barns. Well, It's true they won't be well socialized when entering the real world. They are also often accused of inbreeding their dogs. But in truth that is how every dog breed was originally established.

I met a woman who breeds 2 females every six weeks> I asked how she was able to sell so many dogs wasn't she flooding the market with her breed?
She said she has three different breeds going and with the designer mixes, she was offering several kinds of dogs each year.

I saw a woman posting that she had six simultaneous litters of pomchi's. Pomchi is a cross of pomeranian and chihuahua, the two most yappy dogs in existence. Can you imagine thirty little 30 pomchi's running around the house or even stashed in a single room?

There is this woman , I know that breeds rottweilers, they charge $3500. per puppy and she says I should give her a free puppy, because my dogs are worthless... I challenged her to prove her $3500. puppies were worth more than mine. Her selling point that they were "specialty bred protection dogs"
So you train them?
No, but we dock their tails and pin their ears.
I said that the biggest difference I saw was how much food they ate. So I inquired why do you want another one of my dogs? (she has previously bought a puppy from me)
Because she has been the best trained most lovable dog I ever had...
But that's not worth anything to you?

So are any of these people evil breeders?
That is for you to decide, which would you want to get a puppy from?
kitchen breeder

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