HD TV the future of television?

Recently Television as we know it took a large step forward or was it backwards? Welcome to the new world of digital high definition TV, an entertainment medium that brings all the problems of Microsoft windows to everyone's TV. To my memory television never froze, everything in the universe wasn't made of squares, with the exception of Japanese movies the words always matched the movement of the actors lips. Now this is all gone Analog TV, which dominated the screens with round edges and vibrant realistic colors has been outlawed by Congress.

So now every show looks like a videogame and we can tell that television is not real because it just doesn't look real anymore. Now red has a glow and a shadow, because the computer programs just don't quite understand red for some reason. Why has this happened? Congress says to free up the airwaves, but I am sure that plenty of pockets were padded to make sure that everybody has to buy a new TV and technology will soon make Television and your home computer one and the same, and since it sucks doggy doo, outlawing the clear crisp colors and pictures of analog was the the only way to force progress ahead.

The real reason is digital censorship, using digital programming it is very easy to edit a small portion of the picture, license plates, faces, competitors advertising, replaced with fuzz. Boobs, nipples, tattoos, now everyone looks like barbie. Even worse is that you can replace faces or advertising with the face or ad of your choosing. Now that most surveillance is switching to digital, can it ever be used to prosecute again? Just who gets to do all this censorship? anybody who is running the computer, displaying the image, and anyone who has had the image along the way. Scenes representing acid trips, flashback hallucinations and visions are being edited out of films, so as not to promote drug use. The director of the film had a vision and put those scenes in as an artistic statement, not so anyone who objects to his or her vision could cut them out at will. Casual nudity has been erased from films, because it offends some people. What's next re editing porn? What I don't see happening is the cutting out or fuzzing of blood and gore, why not it offends me? The next generation will never see an acid trip on television, nor will they be able to stop the film and see if Sharon Stone was wearing underwear, because that flash in time has been deleted.
The next generation will come top realize that all pictures are fake.

So now You can't tell What is real? * Are these real Unicorns?

Are these real?

What the hell?

* Who is your new best friend? * Republicans new Mascot? * REd Lobster's Newest dish? *

thank you FCC, Thank you Congress