Wow -2 years ago we went to TuneTown a couple times, it was great and
there were no incidents - well beside some drunk guy spray painting a
rock! It really was a great place and a great value for your dollar - it's
a shame idiots have to ruin it for the rest who appreciated it!!
So sorry for the B.S. you had to put up with and your cash flow loss.
Good luck - I hope things get back on track for you! Pam

I am writing to tell you that not all of the locals here are that bad and that is not our finest. I think that tune town is a good thing. You can enjoy yourself and listen to good music. I have not been to tune town because i have just relocated. I am sorry to hear that the locals have been so STUPID. I support what your doing and I for one do not blame you on your decisions. When I lived in NC i told my cousin who has a band called starchild that he should contact you to play up here. Well i just wanted you to know that all of us are not like that and that they are not our best. Keep up the good work and I hope all works out for you. Hopefully i will be able to come to one of your shows this summer. If not just remember that most of these locals are either old or to prissy to admit that they used to like going to these types of things. Such as Music Alley and Hollabaughs. thank you for your time and again not all of us are like that.

Crystal and Glenn

I'm glad you're doing something about the whole situation. I've been talking to a lot of people to come down and a bunch to volunteer. To the volunteer possibles, I've given them the low-down. Most of people have worked at other festivals and events, so they are experienced in this kinda thing. I can give you approximate numbers next week and then you can tell me how many you need. They don't require payments of any type whatsoever. All free work, they wouldn't accept money anyways. As for that, the EMSO's site has the S.S.H.H. Festival link on it and it's on our Update Listing constantly. If you need any help or anything at all. Let me know. Well, I gotta go. Talk to you later.

Peace, Nick

Hello. I just read about the terrible mishaps at your last show.
Sadly enough, not even the peace jams that you stage are safe from teen angst and the drunken backwoodsmen of the NE Pennsylvania area. I myself used to live in Titusville- not too far from Tune Town and so I am familiar with the locals. They don't know much about good music nor do they care; and the kids have nothing better to do than cause trouble. Trust me. I am very glad to see you made these new rules, although it's too bad for the 2 or so paying teenagers that didn't cause trouble. If you don't already do this, may I suggest you also hire some security or perhaps get some big dudes to volunteer to watch around the area for people breaking into your shows?

Better luck in your future endeavors and keep on rockin', man :)

what they did to that festival is horrible and if you don't make them pay yourself, don't worry Kharma will man


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