I want to thank all my friends, who came to the show.
A very special
thanks to Glen and Tune Town for continuing to let the hippies, potheads and music
lovers use this amazing Venue
Thanks to the All Volunteer staff, especially the EMSO crew
thank you
and anyone else I may have missed.
You guys were amazing, I couldn't have enjoyed my birthday party without you guys
I hope you keep coming back forever!!!
Thanks to the activist and speaker David "Captain Joint" Bunn, Mass/cann NORML, and the Ohio Cannabis Society for their support.
Thanks to The Venders who supplied the masses with food and souvenirs
Ed and Josh from "Now Here this Productions" for the best sound crew ever !!!
Bundy and Darrien for the light show
Thanks to the Bands !!!
Sshh 2002 was held at Tune Town Campgrounds in Cherry Tree Pa.Thanks also to Simply Kind and City Lights of State College, Sunrise distribution of Edinbough, Ashworx in Lock Haven for being our ticket outlets,
Thanks to all the stores headshops etc that allowed us to put up flyers in their establishments
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