Mr. Galt,
I would like to congratulate you on running for president, you are truly an inspiration, by running despite the fact that you don't seem to fit the usual W.A.S.P. box that most of our officials seem to fit into. I would like to say that I admire you, I too have been trying to get people to see different views, and to realize that our government is not all that it is made out to be. I constantly have the problem with my parents that they seem to go along with whatever the crowd says, the community seems to have a problem with anybody that has different ideas then what the government or what officials tell us is right. But in truth, when we look at what we are told, and when we look at what our consciences tell us, the two often seem to be very different. Police and government officials are not all knowing and shouldn't be all powerful. We often find ourselves in positions where we are afraid of getting caught by officials, if they are truly there to help us why is it that most of the American community seem to live in fear of them?

When we look at statistics, we can see that obviously more people die ever year from alcohol then do from marijuana, there have been no deaths from marijuana, however alcohol is a completely different story, I agree with your campaign on the rights to use marijuana, as somebody who has used the drug for a long time, I can honestly say that I did not get addicted to it, I had been smoking for four years until when I was put on probation with random drug tests, and though I did miss getting high, I was never to the point that I have been with any other drug, including alcohol. Marijuana is used by tons of middle class mostly law abiding citizens, and if the sale of marijuana was regulated, there would be a much smaller chance of the drug being laced with drugs that are addictive, we don't find cigarettes or cigars laced, I believe that if we also sold marijuana, like we sell alcohol, and enforced the same laws as we do with alcohol many problems would be avoided.

I would like to say thank you for running, you have given me inspiration to stand up for what I believe in, and have made it clear that I'm not the only one trying to make a difference, I will be old enough to vote for the 2008 election, and I can honestly tell you that it is a safe bet, that in November my vote will be going for you. At first I was not even considering registering, I thought that I couldn't make a difference because I believed that nobody stood for what I did and what would be the point of voting for somebody who would not do anything to help me, but now there is a candidate in the race that is a real person. Who is a true person, who understands what people in the everyday world are going through. I believe that because you don't just focus on the W.A.S.P. community that most candidates focus on, and because you stand for what middle and lower class citizens such as myself focus on, you will never be forgotten, whether you win or not. Thank you so very much for running, and I wish you the best of luck, if there is anyway that I can help your campaign, please let me know, because I will do all in my power to assure that your message, as well as your name gets out there, because you are a wonderful person who supports wonderful ideas.

Thanks for the inspiring letter, being an activist is often a tireless and thankless endeavor, letters from people like you inspire me to continue in what many say are hopeless attempts at change. We are told as children that we have a government by the people for the people. What we really have is government by the elite for the rich and corporations. I am so sick of hearing the sheeple on TV saying that we should go along with what ever Bush wants to do because they must know something that we don't. I say the current administration is living in it's own fairy tale land and has lost contact with the people completely and this should be Bush's downfall when more and more people realize that he has no brain and is nothing more than the CIA's and daddy's little puppet.

The police used to protect and serve, now as each day passes the police become more and more the controllers of society and less and less the protectors of people, the bill of rights is not endangered, with the passing of the Patriot Act it is gone.

On tobacco, you say we don't find it laced?
Au contre, Ever wonder why cigarettes are the only consumer commodity in the USA that does not list it's ingredients?

You talk of wasting votes, I always say that the only wasted vote is for a candidate who does not best represent your views, if America could accept this basic premise then we can once again, become a free and free thinking country. Even if your candidate doesn't win, his ideas can.
Write in campaigns are legal and real. The problem being that a write in candidate has never won a large scale election (write in campaigns often steal an election in small local races).
Does that mean it's impossible? Of course not, just improbable. Nobody thought Jesse the body would win Governorship of Minnesota, but he did anyway. Why, because like me he knows that the so called rules of politics are made up, just like the rules of economics, the rules of life and the rules of board games. When you change the rules, you change the outcome of the game and yes politics is just another game. It is a game won by the person who convinces the most people to vote for him or her.
Many people have said to me (this is my 4th time running) that I can't possibly expect to win. Expect no, but I have not ruled out the possibility. So if it's highly unlikely that I will win, why go through all the bother and expense? In the 2000 election 187 people received at least 1000 votes for president. So what do these candidates and those voting for them expect to achieve?
When a third party or write in candidate gets unexpected support, it is a wake-up call to the major parties. If I could get 10 or 20% of the vote you can bet that the Democrats will be looking to see what it is I said and how to bring those voters into their camp and change will happen, which is the goal of most third party candidates.
Me I want to win! $250,000 a year, free medical, plus $50,000 for life. Sounds like a great job and I know I am smarter than the puppet George Bush jr and really really could do a lot for the lower and middle class citizens in this country... John Galt jr.


The Federal Government faces declining revenues and huge deficits. They have shifted their problem to the states, states to the local communities. The loser is average tax payer who pays four months wages to tax collectors. The fault lies in the system of taxation. The answer by the legislators, and administrations is to pass the buck and cut programs that effect the most needy, elderly, working poor, health benefits, aid to communities, schools. The logical answer is that a new system of taxation must be found to replace the failed antiquated systems now in place.

The need is a system that will increase revenues and lower the tax rate. There is a Single Tax Proposal that would raise more revenues than all the others combined. It will establish a fair and equitable evasion proof system. That would tax every one in proportion to their wealth
There is a proposal that would tax all the "fiat" money at a suggested rate of one-tenth of one percent more or less. It would use the concept of the Tobin Tax and some others taxing the transaction at the time of execution, unlike the Tobin Tax it would not be limited. It would levy a user fee, on every transaction. It would debit one-tenth of one percent more or less at the time of execution as would all movements of money from one venue to another. The need is a system that will increase revenues and lower the tax rate. There is a Single Tax Proposal that would raise more revenues than all the others combined. It will establish a fair and equitable evasion proof system. That would tax every one in proportion to their wealth.

Quote from :"Among the top 50 big corporate tax evaders are the following who paid no taxes in 1996-1998, including, AT Bristol-Myers Squib, Chase Manhattan, Enron Corp., Exxon Corp., Pfizer Inc., Mobil Corp., General Electric, Microsoft Corp., Philip Morris, Walt Disney Co. and World Com Inc. These Corporations have cash flows in the trillions of dollars.

Web site

As a citizen and a candidate for president I fully support and endose this plan of taxing money not people. I don't know how long madashell club has been pushing this plan, but I proposed a very simular plan in 1995 Simple Tax Reforms (See step four).Peace Freedom and Tolerance
John Galt jr.

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