Wb22: hows it going john?
JohnG101: pretty good all considered
Wb22: good good
JohnG101: snow is melting
Wb22: you don't like the snow?
JohnG101: two feet is a bit excess too me
Wb22: haha
JohnG101: did we chat recently?
Wb22: nope first time
JohnG101: I've been chatting with a lot of first timers lately
Wb22: came across your web site
JohnG101: how?
Wb22: well it is kind of funny
JohnG101: my site or how you found it?
Wb22: A friend of mine wrote in his profile the other day "who in the world is John Galt"
Wb22: so I looked it up
Wb22: but he meant a completely different person
JohnG101: John Galt from Atlas Shrugged?
Wb22: hasn't told me who it was
Wb22: just said he didn't mean you
JohnG101: Still it is a pretty normal way to find my website, by design actually...
Most quotes attributed to John Galt come form Atlas Shrugged a fifties novel by ayn rann
Wb22: icJohnG101: It's a book about a guy who basically takes over the country by letting the government destroy the economy, while he collects up the "smart people"
JohnG101: he uses the alias of john galt jr to take credit for his deeds
JohnG101: while setting up a secret closed society in Colorado
Wb22: so is John galt a real person?
Wb22: or are you talking about yourself in the 3rd person?
JohnG101: now?
Wb22: so you are describing the guy in the book?
JohnG101: You may have noticed that everything I wrote is attributed to John Galt jr
Wb22: yeah
JohnG101: John Galt jr is a character in another book
JohnG101: that I wrote by story line John Galt jr in the grandson of of ayn rann's character
JohnG101: Now this is where things get a little weird
Wb22: k
JohnG101: The character of John Galt jr changes the country and in the long run the world after running a write in campaign for president
Wb22: k
JohnG101: that is the short version
JohnG101: After writing most of the novel in a 45 day period, in long hand I started editing it and such.
JohnG101: Shortly after that I discovered the internet and web pagesWb22: so spent your time on that?
JohnG101: So I set up John Galt jr for president in 1995 as a protest site and for story back ground
Wb22: as a protest?
JohnG101: Like voting for Bugs Bunny or Pat Paulson Do you remember Him?
After a few months I got several offers to come and speak at various places
JohnG101: I explained to a couple of people that John didn't exist and therefore wasn't making any public appearances
JohnG101: Meanwhile my site made tops on the hightimes 100 list
JohnG101: I got 8000 hits that day
Wb22: any idea how word got out?
JohnG101: I think mostly word of mouth / email / chat
JohnG101: But I was also effiecient with registering with search engines
JohnG101: and using meta tags and counting on spiders
Wb22: yeah
JohnG101: The month before we hit # 1 the site was listed as like # 86 in the HT 100
JohnG101: So that brought about the intial crowd
Wb22: you say we?
JohnG101: Now that is just a bad habit
Wb22: yeah
JohnG101: I do tend to personalize with my machinery, computers, cars...JohnG101: Most people believe that their have to be many people working to keep up Web Station # 19, run for president, produce festivals and work jobs to pay for it all...
Wb22: been just you?
JohnG101: Truth is while I have people that help out here and there at festivals and protests
Everything else is just me
JohnG101: That is why I fall behind on email
Wb22: haha I bet
JohnG101: and as terrible as you might think I expect so more from my self on the web site
JohnG101: I have a back log of over 200 pictures to scan and post
Wb22: woa
JohnG101: So I feel like I'm always a year behind
JohnG101: and deal one day at a time
Wb22: I know the feeling just not quite as bad
JohnG101: So what parts of the site have you been looking at?
Wb22: well several more since I have been talking to
JohnG101: and where are you from?
Wb22: in NC
Wb22: so where are you that you have 2 feet of snow?
JohnG101: I'm right in the middle of Pennsylvania
JohnG101: 2nd worse winter since I've been here
JohnG101: I have been getting a lot of corespondences form NC
Wb22: really
JohnG101: Probably just as many as Pennsylvania
JohnG101: I had double carple tunnel surgery this winter, slowed me down for a little while
Wb22: maan
Wb22: that stinksJohnG101: Stuck home for 10 weeks and not be able to catch up on the computer that sucked
JohnG101: but the fingers are working faster than ever now
Wb22: so what presidential candidate are you lookin at?
JohnG101: have to finish the story
Wb22: k
JohnG101: after turning down a few speaking offers a compatriot of mine suggested that as the writer of "john Galt jr" that I should and certainly was the only person quailfied to be JOhn Galt jrJohnG101: So in the summer of 98 I booked a speaking tour across America
JohnG101: I toured as John Galt jr the most protesting man in the United states
JohnG101: I think I ended up doing 180 + "protests" that summer
JohnG101: So in 2000 Real newspapers were dotted with John Galt jr for president mentions and interveiws
JohnG101: In 2001 the FBI killed a good friend of mine
JohnG101: I got really pissed off
Wb22: can understand
JohnG101: and have decided to devote the next portion of my life making sure that King George the 2nd does not win another election
JohnG101: The plan is to gather 50 million people that don't care about Politics and don't normally vote
JohnG101: Get them registered and out to vote like Jesse did when he ran for Governor
JohnG101: I don't need democrats and republicans because they only make up about 44% of the eligible voters
Wb22: you think you will be successfull
JohnG101: I think I will be surprised as will everyone else,
if I can get off half of the things I'm planing for next summer
Wb22: haha
Wb22: well optomisim is a good thing
JohnG101: I think the truth is beyond getting the word out
JohnG101: what it all is about is the fifteen minutes
JohnG101: I'll be speaking all summer, flyers should be in production, I what to get out souvenir items
JohnG101: I can honestly say that I have personally spoken the a hundred thousand people over the past five or six years and while I may not remember each and everyone of them most of them will remember me.Wb22: so collecting signatures is hard work?
JohnG101: Actually it is, I have done that that for causes
Wb22: I think that is funny
Wb22: that you use that and hating paper work as a reason for only running as a write in
JohnG101: but by doing a write in vote I don't need to collect signatures just impress people
Wb22: you don't come across as the person that hates paper work.JohnG101: The system is stacked against outside parties I have worked with the greens and with libertarians
JohnG101: you need 10 times as many signatures to get on the ballot
Wb22: man
Wb22: that doesn't seem real fair
JohnG101: and I can say that there is no way in Hell I'll ever be a republican or democrat
Wb22: why not?
Wb22: nothing in either of them you agree with?
JohnG101: I shouldn't say this this way but I am a dreamer, I see room for great improvement in everything
JohnG101: The democrat and republican and for the matter the libertarian philosphy's are pretty much in stone
JohnG101: None of them think outside the box that they have been given, so they don't realize how small the box they are in is...