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This war is being fought in America every day, but the government's efforts do more harm than good. Drug use is a personal choice taken from the American public by unconstitutional laws. All individuals should have the right to do as they wish, as long as they don't interfere with others' rights. Personal drug use does not interfere with others' rights. In fact, it's the anti-drug laws themselves that interfere with personal freedom.

Some in this country believe drugs to be mind numbing, but a closer examination of the facts proves the opposite. Drugs have been used in many cultures as part of a religious or intellectual experience. In our own culture, such celebrated authors as Aldous Huxley and Samuel Taylor Coleridge have written about their experiences with hallucinogenic drugs. Many people are concerned about the drug-related crime in our cities. It seems obvious to me that "drug-related" crime is often crime produced from the war on drugs fought by our government.

1. Once illegal, drugs can be sold at enormously inflated prices. Anti-drug laws themselves have caused this. Legalization would cause drug prices to fall, decreasing the profit involved. Without profit, the mafia and other organized crime would cease to deal in this medium. This is what is causing the real crime-- murder, theft, brutality--not drug use itself.

2. Accidental overdose is a big problem. It happens when a user does not know what or how much he or she is ingesting. This is also a direct result of anti-drug laws. If drugs were legal, they could be regulated, tested, even labeled with advisory details from the FDA about side effects and doses.

As an American taxpayer, I am outraged by the incredible amount of money that is wasted each year on the enforcement of laws that are not only useless, but harmful. Anti-drug laws cause crime. Money spent on their enforcement could be better spent on education or drug rehabilitation programs. Let's wake up and face reality: current policy is not working! Drug legalization is the only Constitutional answer.

just as an insight into the life of a habitual marijuana user: I am 24. I have a wife but no children, and hold a managerial position at a prestigious computer retail chain. I have no problems with work or the law, and have smoked marijuana almost daily since I was 16.

I believe that it is every citizen's duty to exercise his or her right to petition without fear of retribution. I am not afraid to say that I support the legalization of marijuana for medical, industrial, and private recreational use. Americans used to have the right to make decisions for themselves, but now the government more frequently decides what is good for us and what is not. As an American, I support legalization of marijuana and the end of the war on drugs, but do not believe in legalizing all drugs. It is time for our Senators and Representatives to truly care for what we want as Americans, not what they want as politicians.

As for morality concerns, while I cannot condone the smoking of marijuana for pleasure-related purposes, I do not believe the laws preventing others from doing so are Constitutional (resulting in direct violations of the First and Fourth Amendments) or, for that matter, rational. While there are zero deaths recorded relating from marijuana inhalation or abuse, thousands die every year from alcohol, tobacco, aspirin, and other legal drugs.

I believe that the United States would greatly benefit from the agricultural and medical benefits of cannabis. I trust that your unbiased research into topics related to this substance will be evaluated justly and rationally.

The government's current state of prohibition of marijuana still relies on mostly on misinforming and deceiving the American public. Most recently, the Clinton Administration has opposed the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, claiming that there is not enough scientific evidence for the use of marijuana as medicine. The reason for this lack of evidence is plain and simple: there exists a government policy that prohibits the testing of marijuana on human subjects. The only research conducted by the Clinton Administration was the funding of an examination of already-existing evidence. There is no reason, other than the continuation of the deception of the American public, to ban research on marijuana, which is one of the most pharmacologically safe substances known to man. The Government claims that marijuana is a psychologically addictive drug that has potential to be abused. However, marijuana is physically safer than caffeine, nicotine, and aspirin. Meanwhile, alcohol, the nation's number one problem drug, is very physically addictive and causes significant permanent brain damage. Marijuana poses almost no threat of physical addiction and causes no brain damage; it produces its effect by stimulating special receptors in the brain. A double standard exists in the nation's drug policies. Alcohol is accepted on the basis that it has always been a part of our culture, but the relatively new drug marijuana is illegal due to misconceptions and fear.

There are many medicinal uses of marijuana,
but most notable is its fighting of the "wasting syndrome" associated with AIDS and cancer. I know personally that the goals of fighting the effects of this syndrome are not limited to simply making the patient feel better. Marijuana allows the patient to function on a daily basis. My mother is currently in the final stages of her battle with breast cancer. She musters whatever energy she has daily just to pay the bills. She also struggles to keep an adequate weight, something that the appetite-enhancing and nausea-preventing effects of marijuana help with.

Do you think my language in my postings is ok or do you think my language is out of line
and should not appear in my postings on the net?

I have been talking to people on my list by phone & there are opinions that my language is not necessary & then there are opinions that my colorful rendition & response & to articles makes their day. What is your opinion?

Hey Jay,
This particular subject has always bothered me. How can words be good or bad? The truth is perhaps the thoughts they represent may be good or bad, but the words themselves are well words. Unfortunately our government has effectively outlawed some words, fortunately humans create new words to represent those thoughts. Among the banned words are such as Hemp, nigger, and f**k. Do the words Marijuana, Negro and banging the bitch really have any different meaning, than those outlawed? Personally I think that you use the word f**k too often and out of context, but you didn't ruin the word, all the Americans who miss used the word did..
When I read your letters I expect them. They don't make my day, but they do convey your angry thoughts. Personally I have been criticized myself for using those same wordings. So I hold my tongue so as not offended those whom may be converted politically to support my opinions and messages, which are more important than the words themselves. However I have found that when I make my public speeches and get wound up and use those words, they are usually answered with applause. On the other hand I saw a rally almost shut down when various variations of the word fu** occurred about 50 times in a matter of minutes during a rap performance. So my advice is sprinkle the occasional shocker, but don't over use it because, you'll lose more than you gain.
Peace and Freedom John Galt jr.

Dear John,
I came across your web page when I accessed the High Times site. You seem to be very well educated in the whole field of marijuana, and wondered if you could answer a question.
What happens when buds get moldy? Should they be thrown away, or is it OK to still smoke it? I don't want to get mold spores in my lungs that will cause me harm. What solution would you recommend? Sincerely, Roy

First off we should examine why the buds became moldy in the first place. Any herb is subject to such prospects, the keys to successful preservation are drying and storage. When drying herbs, better too dry than too wet. Always check on the packaging within 24 hours and a few times in the first week. Mold can occur very quickly, and immediate drying will stop growth. I understand that Moldy herbs can also can be microwaved to stop fungal growth. Storage should be dry and cool or many say even frozen, all vegetable matter decays over time, the cooler the temp the longer they last.

OK to still smoke it? Tough Question likely out of my expertise, but I will give an opinion. If you are a minor I don't think you should be smoking anything, as an adult what you chose to smoke or not to smoke should be your decision. I know of sicknesses caused by mold spores, but it's a question of physical tolerance and of taste . The moldy smoke is more likely to be irritating to throat and lungs. I doubt the spores would survive the act of burning, but you must consider the possibility of getting them though air draw prior to burning. Anyone with sinus problems, breathing disorders, asthma, allergies or migraines, would not likely enjoy a moldy jay. Also any herb which has become moldy loses flavor and some potency.

What solution would I recommend?
If the herbs in question are visibly covered in fuzz, they are for all useful purposes already compost and should be treating as such.

But if they have just lost flavor or color I would recommend a thorough cleaning, microwave for a minute or so and make a special batch of spaghetti sauce, or brownies, all spiced and ready to go... Peace and Freedom
John Galt jr..

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