The world ended today six months ahead of schedule, yours still there? You must be in a later time zone...
I was out campaigning and listening to local radio. I found a reasonable station and was enjoying my favorite old rock songs. The familiar beat of Pink Floyd's Money came on, I cranked up the volume and sped up just a bit.
Having heard Dark side of the moon, The Wall, and Momentary lapse of reason, each over a thousand times,
I was in cruising heaven
Suddenly something struck me as wrong, very wrong, the word bullshit had been edited out.
My first thought was did Sid care?
Roger know about this?
Which one was pink?
What about the rest of the boys would they really approve of this fundamental change to their musical genius?
Then I thought this must be one of those toned down recordings, they released for the christian rock stations.
No way the boys would never allow it, but Being as everything is digital now they can add or subtract anything?
Where was the censor beep? Digital (is anything real anymore?),
They would need to say is it's a new re-mix and their asses are covered.They followed up with Avril Lavigne and a song called What The Heck, Pat Benetars classic purgatory is for children, and then finished the set with AC/DC latest hit Highway To Heaven. I crossed over a hill and the station was gone, and I thanked my higher power that we live in such interesting times. After all how often do you find a country, where some states are trying to outlaw ice cream trucks (I blame the movie nice dreams) and other states have medical marijuana delivered to your door?
Then my mind drifted I wondered if John Valby was still playing somewhere? Then I wondered what Richard Prior sounds like censored?
Nothing but silence...
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