I find it incredibly hypocritical to allow alcohol sales, yet marijuana is still a Federal offense. Alcohol is addictive, marijuana isn't. Alcohol has no medical purposes anymore*, marijuana does. I have been trying for 13 years since my multiple surgeries to get even close to my normal weight with NO success. My doctor told me he would prescribe it if it were legal. Massachusetts has just passed the law last fall, yet there are no dispensaries yet. They did screw the law up by allowing people to grow it at home. That's a typical Massachusetts screw-up. *alcohol used to be used as an "antibiotic" and pain killer. It did kill certain infections, such as an abscessed tooth, by rinsing one's mouth with the stuff and then spitting it out after. Also, I am NOT saying make alcohol illegal, not at all. It's just very hypocritical and difficult for those of us who could use marijuana for medical purposes.
Somebody asked me what I thought about Newt Gingrich with Ron Paul as VP?
Wow, there is something I really hadn't considered, but it kinda makes sense from a Republican point of view, nobody would kill Gingrich if it made Ron Paul President. But my response is mixing Ron Paul with Newt Gingrich is like adding whiskey and bacon grease to an outdated slim fast milkshake... you'll get something different, but who would want to try to sell it?
Ron/jon, Truthfully what do you think of Rush Limbaugh?
I think someone once said "Rush Limbaugh is a true example of repulsive Republicanism." I think I would add, Racist, repulsively over weight, due for a heart attack, and whose existence only makes sense if it turns out he is Newt's gay lover...
As long as we are are bashing politicians, some one asked me at sodahead;
"When the heck did Rick Santorum turn into an obnoxious right wing whiny biotch?"My answer was it was in the late 1990's
It was some where in Pennsylvania,
It was a cold day, and It was raining,
then the waitress began to cry,
when he asked for change for a dollar,
so he could leave a tip...
What is your most prized possession?
Hi, I am 21 years old attending college and drinking a lot of beer. Recently I have been feeling that something is just not right... Many of my "brothers" are graduating and seems like no one is getting a "good" job. Very scary being 50 - 60 thousand dollars in debt and looking forward to maybe a McJob. Any way I surfed into your page and was totally amazed, and I don't believe that it's just the alcohol, you are definitely plugged in to what the hell is really going on. Bill
Sounds like your ready to join the occupy movement...JOHN
Marijuana is illegal because it is poorly understood. Even many who profess an appreciation for cannabis, do not understand how to dose it, how to breed it, how to ingest it, how to store it, how to avoid its adverse effects, or even how to truly appreciate it. That may sound overly harsh, but... Prohibition of cannabis has insured one thing: that access to evidence-based information about the plant and its uses has been severely hampered. Ask an opponent of cannabis legalization why it's illegal and they'll spout a bunch of nonsense about its dangers to the individual and society. Ask a proponent of cannabis legalization the same question, and surprisingly you'll get a bunch of nonsense about conspiracies and threats to vested corporate interests. Both sides tend to get it wrong. We do know that humans have been lugging around the cannabis plant for at least 12,000 years, so we do know that there is certainly a bit of co-evolution between us and this fascinating plant. We've basically been BFF with the plant since the last Ice Age ended, except for the last seventy years. Remember that the real science of cannabis is still pretty new. THC was discovered in 1963, and the body's endocannabinoid system was uncovered in the late 1980's. Today, the endocannabinoid system is not completely mapped. Cannabis also likely interacts with several additional systems within the body. That means that we simply don't have a thorough understanding of how cannabis works. Cannabis is far more than its THC content, and contains an entire chemical ecology of cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids that is daunting in its complexity. And different varieties of cannabis differ slightly in their chemistry. Over the next couple of years, as more in-depth study of the plant's constituents and pharmacology is conducted, then higher quality evidence will emerge about the benefits and risks of using cannabis. And regardless of this evidence, laws against cannabis in the United States and around the world are going to be reformed. The evidence will just help people better integrate the use of the cannabis plant into their lives and underscore the reason that the laws will, and must be, changed. Cannabis is an extraordinary plant. The more we learn about it, the better we can use and appreciate it. It must be treated with respect, but it is certainly not to be feared, simply better understood.John!!!
Where are you?
You don't seem to have updated your website in so long I wonder what's going on.
You've not been arrested or anything have you? :\C'mon man... let me know what's up!
I'm spreading the word about you here to friends and community in a NC.
When I can afford it I'd love to print out a bunch of info pamphlets about you and your campaign and distribute it here in my area for whatever good it'll do. I was intending to do the "Write in vote" thing and put your name down in 2012... but if you're not even still around what good would that do right? So yeah... where are you? - Ellen
ELLEN, I was without a computer for about two years, just recently I got the old one fixed, and Currently, I am regrouping, reorganizing, and getting ready for 2012. There have been some changes at the web site. But my ideas haven't changed so most of the web site will stay the same. I have been doing some interviews and the press is slowly picking up on me again. Plans for 2012 is a 27 state speaking tour, major topic End Wars!!! like the Patriot act, ( the war against free speech), the Rave Act (war against music) the war on drugs (war against free spirits), and the War on terrorism (War against Muslims). Printable posters will soon be available online (I'll add you to the supporters list!!) Keep coming back.
Peace Freedom and Tolerance
John Galt jrJohn,
OK say i get busted for having some pot. not a large amount but like a quarter or so, I wind up in court then placed on probation. i have to pay for both or risk going to jail. the court will probably say i must complete one year of probation, and probation says i cant drink alcohol, do illegal drugs, and so on. after one year is up if I successfully complete the probation, I run to the nearest dealer and get a bag, where is the sense? other than putting a guard on me 24/7 will the government be able to keep me from getting high. I have never been busted for a bag of weed (came close a few times) and I've been smoking pot for about ten years. just some random thoughts thanks for your time.
Web Station #19,
well I gotta say i'm surprised, after all the complaints about how Americans are so apathetic and lazy and compliant and along comes John Galt Jr,
and everybody's like, what if he is sincere?put your mind on this:
it seems pretty unlikely to me that John Galt Jr is gonna be elected president. but that really does not matter
because what he is really doing is offering his voice as a rallying cry
it does not matter if he doesn't win. what matters is that he gets heard.
he is saying to all those people that never vote because there's no point,
he is saying, look at this. and look at this. and look at this. is this worth voting for?
would you vote for this? does this matter to you?dig this
what if his name was on the lips of ten thousand stoners? could that be made into a hundred thousand?
three hundred thousand maybe? is that an unreasonable goal?
what if his name were on the lips of three hundred thousand stoners, what could happen?
what if they had all been given the idea that they ought to tell everyone they can about Ron Gascon?
what if radical idealist stoners are told that they are forbidden to make cardboard stencils of John Galt Jr's name and website address and paint that all over sidewalks and walls? what then?
what if there were drum circles, pow-wows, dances and be-ins?
what if there was a vote jam?
organic endorsements?
riding around on patriot's hemp bus?
positive empowerment vibration meetings?
discussions in offices and bakeries?
debates in kitchens and breakrooms?
email, telephone and dinner conversations?
what if there was a ron gascon blunt-a-thon?
what then? what could happen?
Who Big brother pay it forward debt green box turtle why ganja 420 activist Leather magic