June 2015 88-yo Woman Defends Home from Cops Who Went to Wrong House, So She Was Assaulted & Arrested
In October of 1989, Mary Miller's youngest son was indicted by a mid-western
grand jury for trafficking in marijuana. Over the next four years, Mary was
forced to pay, literally, for her son's crimes.Never charged with a crime herself, 75 year old Mary Miller had $70,000 in
cash, her home and several pieces of rental property seized by the federal
government, because they believed she knew of her son's crimes. Her money,
the government said, was not her life's savings as she claimed, but rather,
the ill-gotten gains of Toby Miller's life of crime. In fact, she couldn't
use the old dates on the cash for her own evidence because the FBI had
destroyed it by depositing it into a bank. Her real estate, the government
went on to reason, was used to "facilitate" Toby's crimes when he lived as a
tenant in Mary's duplex, and therefore should be forfeited also.From October 1989 through August 1995, 122 newspaper headlines in a small
midwestern city focused on Mary Miller's troubles. Her oldest son, Charles,
and his family were subjected to local scrutiny and discussion also. In an
attempt to regain his mother's property by producing an accurate chronological
record, Charles Miller set about detailing the facts surrounding Mary
Miller's forfeitures, which eventually resulted in a book he titled U.S. v. Grandma.Because we were so impressed with Mr. Miller's first-hand account of his
battle with the forfeiture squads on behalf of his innocent mother, F.E.A.R.
has agreed to publish a soft-back version of U.S. v. Grandma. Please
get this book and use it to educate yourself to the realities of how our
country's forfeiture laws are being used. Then, call or write your
Congressman and Senators and demand they change the law. In fact, why not
get a second book for your legislators, and request they read it!U.S. v. Grandma is available from F.E.A.R. Foundation, 20 Sunnyside,
Suite A-204, Mill Valley, CA 94941. 1-415-388-8128 http://www.fear.orgThis book without all of its self explanatory political drawings about the
forfeiture squads may also be downloaded from GRLR@aol.com if you request it.February 2015 Grandmother beaten, maced for bringing cupcakes to grandchildren's school.
Gary Tucker and his wife Joanne ran Southern Lights and Hydroponics, an indoor-outdoor gardening store in Norcross, near Atlanta. Gary's brother Steve worked part-time at the store while he held down another job. An indoor, soil-free method of growing plants, hydroponics is a favorite -- but hardly the sole domain -- among marijuana planters seeking a year-round growing season as well as high yield and privacy. During a 1993 sting dubbed Operation Green Merchant, the D.E.A. approached Gary Tucker. The feds had been investigating Tucker customers who the feds suspected to be pot growers, and leaned on Gary for permission to install surveillance cameras in his store. Citing privacy violations, and steadfastly insisting they turned away any customer who mentioned marijuana, Gary refused.
When some of the Tuckers' customers were later busted and faced man-min, they informed the feds that the Tuckers had given them advice on how to grow pot. These allegations made the Tuckers liable for conspiracy to manufacture. June 27, 1993, the three Tuckers were arrested by the D.E.A. Subsequently, all three were indicted and convicted,
even though they possessed no marijuana, and no buys or sales -- not even recorded evidence of "advice" -- were ever introduced.
Despite inducements of leniency, none of the three would snitch or turn evidence, all maintaining their innocence throughout. On January 11, 1994, under man-min provisions, Gary Tucker was sentenced to 16 and a half years' imprisonment, and Steve and Joanne Tucker to ten years each. The Tuckers began serving their sentences in 1995, and all three are currently in federal correctional facilities. Under forfeiture laws, the Tuckers lost their homes, their cars, their bank accounts, a truck, and a boat.BUSTED FOR GROWING TOMATOES
Sheriff's deputies in Davenport, WA, received a warrant to search the home of Ken and Karen Olds for marijuana cultivation, noting a boarded-up basement window and a "vicious-looking" dog tied up in front. The couple were gun point as cops searched the house. Plants growing under a lighting system in the basement proved to be tomatoes. Spokesman-Review,
This story has been written over 100,000 times in the past couple decades, different towns different clueless police officers looking for property to steal.
Feb. 23, 1995.The Illinois Multi-County Drug Enforcement Group admits it made a mistake when it threw a stun grenade through the front window of 84-year-old Rosie Lee Boyce, burst in with drawn guns and ordered her to lie on the floor as they handcuffed her son. They were at the wrong address. Harrisburg Daily Register, Feb. 6, 1995
November 1996 Whitney Hall at Chico University was raided by SWAT teams and other police agencies. The entire raid, which netted several first semester freshmen, was caught on film as police tipped off the local media to the 7:30 am bust. The arrests were part of an uncover sting which began when police planted a phony freshman from the first day of school. The "agent is said to have participated in parties, buying and providing alcohol as well as having sex with some female co-eds!
5/26/97 Torrance California After a drug dealer was shot and killed by a single shot. Two men men were charged separately in the shooting . Both men were convicted by the same prosecutor, an hour apart from each other by two different juries. Records show that the same evidence was used to incriminate both men and the closing argument almost the same. The prosecutor says he didn't break any laws or rules of ethics and stands behind both convictions... I say an innocent man has been railroaded both system and the ego of a prosecutor that can't stand to lose...
4/11/97 AMHERST, Mass. A pharmacy manager was looking over a customer's film when he noticed what appeared to be several men posing, and smiling, in front of marijuana plants. He called police, who used the photos to obtain a search warrant of the customer's home and found 10 plants inside. All five occupants of the apartment were charged with drug possession and intent to distribute marijuana. The pharmacy where the photos were spotted, CVS, did not return a telephone call seeking comment. But some questioned whether a manager should act as an arm of the law. A spokesman for the Photo Marketing Association, which represents photo retailers and processors, said the pharmacy went too far`We like to be moral people and all, and make sure to try and stop crime, but it's not the photo finisher's job to do that,'' Bill Lewis said.
Other news of Pharmacies getting out of control1996-1997 Philadelphia Pa. Charges were dropped and convictions overturned for 193 (and rising) drug cases when it was found that a dozen different officers had planted evidence in order to make arrests. One officer is being charged with keeping upwards of thirty six thousand dollars in drug bust money...
January 1997 Several cases are being reviewed after it was found that several officers of the New York State Police had planted fingerprints and other evidence in order to secure convictions
January 18 1997 A man answered his door to find thirteen officers, with weapons drawn bursting into the home. While searching the apartment Mondale Thomas a 17 year old youth came up from the basement where he and friends were playing. Mondale went into an asthma attack and his grandmother said he needed some fresh air. An officer kicked the door shut grabbed him a threw him against the wall and then on the floor causing his head to bleed. no charges were filed against anyone in the home.
June 1996 Woody Harrelson arrested for planting hemp seeds...
The overwhelming police presence at Gainesville, FL's sixth annual Hempfest inspired a creative twist to this year's gathering of marijuana-legalization supporters in the Downtown Community Plaza. Activists switched from the traditional "Doobie Toss" to a "Doughnut Toss," hurling glazed doughnuts from the stage to the crowd of 3,000 and stunning police officers who only moments before had stormed the stage to arrest legal medical-marijuana recipient Elvy Musikka. Glaucoma sufferer Musikka is a 56-year-old legally blind singer from Hollywood, FL. She was arrested for possession of cannabis and disorderly conduct by Gainesville police and booked into the Alachua County Detention Center, despite being one of the eight legal recipients of government-grown cannabis. She was later released and no charges were filed.
Kevin Aplin, the New Orleans Cannabis Action Network event organizer, felt the oppressive police presence, estimated at 100 officers, was in retaliation for the decision rendered by US District Judge William Stafford on Dec. 6, overruling the city's denial of CAN's permit application for the rally. "The court order specifically stated that the city would provide all normal services required for the rally, yet police intimidated festival-goers by their heavy presence and actions," said Aplin. "This was a clear attempt to discourage the public from exercising their First Amendment rights of freedom of assembly, speech and religion." CAN attorney Gary Wainwright, at the festival as a featured speaker, called the police action "a police riot." Musikka was arrested just as she'd begun to sing "The War On Us" from her new CD, Truth and Love Are One. She lit one of her federally provided joints when police suddenly stormed the stage, grabbed her, threw her to the ground and then dragged her offstage, where she was interrogated and had her marijuana medication confiscated before being taken to jail. During the arrest a group of "doughnut tossers" began throwing glazed doughnuts into the crowd in mockery of the outrageous police actions. In all nine arrests were made. There were three for nonviolent resistance, three for possession of cannabis, one for what was later found to be an herbal cigarette, one for wearing a mask in public and one for assaulting a police officer with a dough nut. CAN is suing the Gainesville police department. for the false arrests and for violating everyone at the Hempfest's right to free speech. HighTimes, May 1996.
Sometimes the police just kill you, Of course not all the time, sometimes they just beat you run you over with their cars, mace, pepper spray or taser though it seems they like to handcuff you beforehand...
On March 25, 1994, 29-year old US Army veteran Eddie Self stopped in Rayburn County, Ga. to buy beer for a fishing trip. Earlier, his cousin had told him about the checkpoint roadblock at the entrance to the Wildlife Preserve. Having had nothing to drink or smoke that day, Self foresaw no problems ahead. But on entering the dirt road that leads to the preserve, he was greeted by agents of the DEA, ATF, US Forest Service Wildlife Management and the Sheriff's department. Unable to produce his insurance card, he was asked to step out of the vehicle. Unaware that he could deny the agents entry to his vehicle without a warrant or probable cause, Self consented to a search of his pick-up truck. In the ashtray was a joint. Self was arrested and charged with DUI and possession of marijuana. In November of 1994 Self beat the DUI charge, and the state threw out the possession charge. But a US Forest Service agent was upset with the loss of the bust, and two weeks later Self was indicted by the Feds. Facing up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine, Self plead guilty to misdemeanor possession of marijuana and was sentenced to six months in a federal penitentiary. The cost of imprisonment, published in a court memorandum, was estimated at $14,000, not including the costs of maintaining the roadblock, the booking, the state trial which the defendant won, and the subsequent Federal court proceedings. Scripps-Howard News Service,Sept. 14, 1995..A group of airline workers and passengers filed suit charging they were imprisoned and tortured in Honduras in 1991 because US officials botched a drug sting and waited over a week before seeking their release. The DEA hid 100 pounds of cocaine on a Belize Air International flight from Miami to Central America without informing the airline, the crew or local governments. The cocaine was discovered when the plane touched down in Honduras, and all on board were arrested in what was touted as Honduran government Drug War victory. The group was subjected to 12 days of prison and torture, including electric shocks and beatings with rubber hoses, before the USA finally acknowledged that the DEA had placed the cocaine on the plane. Reuters, Jan. 24, 1995.
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