Lets take a lesson for the tobacco industry... Have you been paying attention, the Tobacco Industry has been taking some heavy shots for the past decade. They are starting to lose court battles, offering settlements, admitting to the dangers of tobacco and even have been added to the war on drugs. Why aren't they worried? Because the market is secure, there are so many nicotine addicts that legislation still has a poor change of touching their market. Also because they have already moved into a new market of the future, they have a new product, which I am sure in time will prove to be even more dangerous than cigarettes, snuff or chew!
OLd Conspiracy
In the first half of the 20th century, cigarette companies realized there was an untapped market because in America it was taboo for women to smoke. So they put together a strategy to convince women that smoking cigarettes was a bold statement for women’s suffrage and equality (they called them “torches of liberty”). This is brainwashing. And it works, until you start to question it.
The New Conspiracy
About ten years ago nicotine gum was introduced as a stop smoking remedy. It didn't really work, most still smoke, some alternate, smoking and chewing, effectively raising their need for nicotine. Shortly after came the patches same story, some died from nicotine overdose...
Where do you suppose the nicotine for these products comes from? One guess... The Industry has found through research and development two new products, two new ways to keep nicotine addicts hooked. A safer product no tars no smoke no bad breath or lung disease. Good deal or bad? Time will tell...
While making nicotine safer they in reality have made it more dangerous, you now can die quickly from a nicotine overdose by stuffing several sticks of gum in your mouth, no waiting for that painful cancer to set in.
Did you notice that the feds announced that cigarettes would be added to the war on drugs, right after the FDA approved nicotine gum as over the counter medicine? A blind man can see where this is going, very soon you will see marketed flavored nicotine gum (Because it tastes like shit now). Soon after you'll see multiple brands, (Major gum companies have been advertising "when you can't smoke..." for years already) Some gum will even be named after cigarettes. Soon the Marlboro man will be replaced by the surfer dude and his awesome gum experience, because smoking is not cool anymore. Joe Camel will be handing out samples at the local mall. How soon will it be before school kids get their hands on the newest coolest tobacco product of all time? How young will they be before starting 5 or 6 years old? very very likely...
After enough kids have had reactions or died from chewing gum they will reduce the nicotine level (now available in two strengths for heavy or light smokers) and sell even more to addicts of all ages... Do you think this is what they are talking about right now in tobacco board rooms? No this plan started ten years ago, maybe twenty. They are currently devising the next step, maybe nicotine juice or baby formula...
So do you think cigarettes and tobacco products will ever become illegal? Not while the industry continues to dominate the federal Government with kick backs, bribes and campaign funding... Not while tobacco products continue to be a major export... Not while nicotine addicts continue to pay with their hard earned money and their lives....
Update 1/99 First mint Nicotine gums introduced to the market place...
Update 2014 We now have E-cigs to deliver the nicotine that you love...
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