by Steve Kubby

1. Which one of the following countries recently voided an election and threatened to arrest local officials who attempt to implement voter approved initiatives?

A. North Korea
B. China
C. Russia
D. America

2. Which of the following countries is the ONLY country that allows police to jail sick people and keep their property?

A. China
B. Somailia
C. Cuba
D. America

3. Which of the following countries is the ONLY country that sends police into schools to indoctrinate students and urge them to turn in parents who may be using unapproved medicines?

A. China
B. Afghanistan
C. Iran
D. America

5. Amnesty International recently identified which country as a major violator of human rights and one of the worst countries in the world with respect to abuse of women prisoners.

A. China
B. Somalia
C. Cuba
D. America

6. Current U.S. drug policy is failing, drugs are cheaper and more plentiful than ever, our jails are at 200% occupancy and sick people are being persecuted and for what reason?

A. Our drug laws were written by drunks.
B. The Alcohol Industry spends $1.5 billion per year on advertising.
C. Partnership for a Drug Free America is a PAC for the liquor lobby.
D. All of the above.

7. The official U.S. policy towards sick and dying people who use medical marijuana includes which tactics?

A. Arrest and treat as criminals, regardless of medical documentation.
B. Seize all medicine and assets; destroy all plants.
C. Use high bails and conspiracy charges to coerce plea bargains.
D. All of the above

8. It's been 2 1/2 years since the passage of Prop. 215; what has changed?

A. Marijuana arrests have gone UP.
B. Sick and dying patients are being arrested in record numbers.
C. Not one county or state agency has implemented Prop. 215.
D. All of the above.

9. How does the War on Drugs differ from all other wars?

A. The goal isn't territory or property but behavior control.
B. It's a war without end, against our own citizens.
C. Sick and dying people are denied humanitarian rights and jailed instead.
D. All of the above.

10. Separation of Church and State has been interpreted by U.S. officials to mean that government can do what?

A. Adopt Puritanism as the official state religion
B. Decide what substances are good and which are bad.
C. Jail, rob and humiliate anyone who uses any substance deemed harmful.
D. All of the above.

Answers: The correct answer to each of the questions is "D"

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