June 16th - 18th 2000It was at
"The Wet One"
Marci Geller on StageSSHH 2000 took place on the most awesome stage in NW Pa. The stage at Tune Town always brings the best out of any band.
What happened?
I arrived three days early to help with last minute preparations.
I brought along my 18 year old dog Buddy along, he really hasn't been out of the house much the past few years (except for nature calls).
I let Buddy out of the activist van and gave him full run of Tunetown's 60+ acres. He suddenly became a puppy again, he ran for three hours and then settled in under a tree for a long nap.
Wednesday: We awoke early, Buddy was tired and grumpy, so we went for a long ride putting up flyers in the local area.
Thursday, my mother arrived, (I coaxed her into running the gate) followed closely by a bunch of activist friends and the party began!Friday we got rained on but the show was good, the crowd of 250 or so was wet but happy. Saturday was beautiful, gate was fair, show was fabulous. The Buzz Poets rocked the house out to end a day of musical excellence. Night was warm and balmy, then at 7 am, it started pouring rain, which continued through the morning. A lot of camps were pulling out. I checked with production and we decided to wait to see if it cleared. around 11:00 am it started clearing some, I met with the bands on site. The situation had changed much, our 600 crowd was closer to 60 people. The bands and production voted to cancel the live music, but leave the sound system up with tapes playing.
Who played ?
The party is over but the memories will last forever, especially for those 60 or so who stuck it out after rain on Sunday and the dozen who partied well until 5am :) Monday morning.
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