7/9/98 12:00 noon In the middle of the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts "we" had a smokeout demonstration. Dr. Julian Heicklen voiced his political opinions and then proceeded to light a marijuana cigarette. The cigarette made a short trip through the crowd and found it's way back to Dr. Heicklen. As the police closed in, the press and the crowd interviewed him about his motives and methods. Julian allowed the joint to burn out and continued to speak via mega phone. At first the police officers said we were blocking the sidewalk, so we split up, the group so that the pathways were clear... The police did not question Julian about the cigarette he held while speaking to them. The officers then said that using a mega phone was against University policy. Heicklen declared that the university was not an elected body and had no right to make laws. After about twenty minutes of heated discussion on the subject the police returned to the perimeter to consult with their higher ups. When asked why they did not arrest Heicklen for smoking marijuana they said they had no proof that what he was smoking was in fact marijuana, that in fact if they smelled marijuana they would take action. Julian complied by relighting the joint so the officers could smell it. Heicklen's joint, now 3/4's gone was then confiscated. Julian continued to speak to the crowd and press.
After apparently field testing the remainder of the cigarette, the police returned and around 12:50 pm placed Dr. Heicklen under arrest. They confiscated the bull horn. The protest continued as Heicklen was handcuffed behind his back, then carried to and placed in the police car, I as the next scheduled speaker began my speech. While I was speaking the police notified persons handing out leaflets that they were not allowed to do so. Being familiar with the current laws on this subject matter, I announced to the crowd that they were allowed to ask for literature... all they had to do was ask or hold out a hand. The pace of literature distribution increased greatly. At the end of my speech I smoked a joint. An officer approached me and asked if I was smoking marijuana, I replied" I believe that it is your job to make that determination." I was not arrested. However the police then asked us to remove our lawn chairs from the sidewalk. We complied and the protest continued. The Campus police then left. I and another person lit marijuana cigarettes
and several people smoked while the other speakers continued. Because of a speaker cancellation I gave my speech again to a different crowd. Samar Lovejoy gave a speech on the gateway theory.
While scheduled speaker George Brusstar, Libertarian Party candidate for 149th district representative office spoke, the police returned in full force, at least a dozen Campus Police officers, moved into the area. State College police gathered directly across the street they then informed us that that literature tables for the Libertarian party, Smart on crime and Savoda's books were also a violation of university policy and had to be removed. These tables have been a constant since the second smokeout five months ago..But we complied, and the protest continued. While the tables and chairs were being loaded into a protesters vehicle, the officers notified us that no material supported by gravity was allowed, that everything at the protest had to be held by someone or removed from the sight. We complied, the protest continued
As the afternoon progressed be began having "unscheduled speakers" Sue and some other people who had stopped to listen filled the vacant speech spaces by voicing their opinions or reading from some literature. Around 3:30 our megaphone was returned, but we were advised that it was not to be used. At 4pm after over three hours of speeches at voice straining levels we began to use the mega phone at a reasonable level, I gave my speech again to the newly assembled. The police presence which had dwindled to three officers did and said nothing. The Protest continued.
The seven O'clock speakers rescheduled for Saturday, so shortly after 7pm the protest wound down to just literature distribution until about 11pm.
Dr Heicklen remained in centre county prison awaiting $50,000 bail to satisfy a $500, violation of the law. .
side note *** The reason Dr. Heicklen's bail was so high is because "they" believed that Dr. Heicklen is our leader. He is not. Dr Heicklen is our mentor and teacher. This protest has been held weekly for over five months, it continues each week whether Dr. Heicklen is here or not.7/10/98 We gathered again around 11am and distributed signs. An officer on the site showed us a place we were allowed to leave "extra signs". John Morgan a co-Author of Marijuana Myths, Marijuana facts spoke first. He then signed books and had open discussion with the assembled. I spoke second giving this speech Jen Corbett spoke. I covered another hour by giving my speech again, during a pause Samar did her reading of the Declaration of Independence and gave her speech "Where is the Logic". Around 2:30 Diane Fornbacher spoke about medical marijuana and the lack of compassion in the government's position, Diane's speech was extremely compassionate. She openly wept for the AID's and cancer patients whom are being denied marijuana as medicine as their lives trickle away. Sue gave speeches on voting and on the importance of jury duty. Charlie Miller gave an interesting speech on the governments declared dangers of marijuana on teenagers. I gave my speech a third time and we shut down for the evening around 7pm.
7/11/98 We set up 11am Ken Krawchuk (Libertarian Candidate for Governor of pa) spoke at noon to start the new day. We had some interesting conversations. He also spoke at 3pm and 6 pm. Samar Lovejoy gave her speech on How the drug war is destroying the Constitution. Then Diane, Samar and I took turns reading stories about people who have been hurt by the war on drugs. We repeated our speeches from previous days to fill in time gaps of canceled speakers. Sue also gave her speeches again. The attendees of the festival had accepted our presence. People gathered to hear the speakers, and they were listening to what we had to say. People want to have their pictures taken while holding signs. Some had their pictures taken with real protesters !!! I ended my day with a well attended speech at 5 pm. I was sick of my own speeches but still had plenty to say, as I spoke to assembled crowd they cheered me on. Without a written censor I said some words that I shouldn't have. but to the best of my knowledge, the speech was not recorded for history. After my speech I received a serious applause. I left for some zzz's before work. The protest continued! That night while I was working there was a riot in downtown State College. The riot had nothing to do with our protest. But it did change the tone of the town
7/12/98 Sunday The protest continued Police presence was heavy early in the day. Simon Grille, lawyer for NORML came and took several pictures and held a sign for a bit and Tanya Kangas (litigation for NORML) spoke for quite sometime about NORML's efforts and what they are doing in D.C.
Some folks from out of state who had heard about the protest on the internet came up and introduced themselves , asking if they could stand with us and hold signs. Other passers-by asked if we could take a break and hold our signs so they could get a good amount of pictures of themselves as "freedom fighters."
Marijuana was smoked . All in all, everyone made new contacts and all became close or closer friends. Many said they would organize their own peaceable protests and write to us to let us know what happens. police presence dwindled to three by days end. I came late and stayed quiet, saving what was left of my voice, for the closing speech. I handed out literature and held signs. I rounded the day off at 5pm taking Heicklen's last time slot.
I gave this speech which was carefully listen to by the remaining officers, as a matter of fact they stood as close as possible without infringing on my rights. The speech was also broadcast on a local radio frequency.Dr. Heicklens Report
Honeybud WeedWhacker's reportClosing note: Dr. Heicklen, even in retirement continues to teach and remind us. He has reminded us of the importance of practicing our right to protest. He taught us the power of ritual by staging a weekly protest as compared to an annual one. If you protest once a year people get used to it as the occasional oddity. But if you speak up each and every week from now until eternity . You stay in the mind of the present. The mind of the present consists of all the thoughts being thought about, so the more people you can get thinking about a problem, the more likely that it will be solved, ritual protest firmly implants those ideas upon a society.
Julian has set up a week ritual or ceremony for us here, so that we would learn a lesson,
That lesson is that if we don't like the laws they will not change unless we do something.
We would like you to take that message with you, share it with all who will listen, tell your politicians that we just won't take it anymore.
The truth is that every time you smoke whether it be noon on Thursdays or at 4:20 you are protesting those laws and those who get caught are political prisoners and martyrs.