4/3/99 We arrived in Ann Arbor in very early in the morning, and set about putting up flyers for upcoming events like Million Marijuana March and The Summer Solstice Hemp Happening. We then set up the Web Station # 19 information desk.
As the morning passed a crowd estimated at between 5,000 to 8000
showed up to participate in this year's one hour long Hash Bash.Like most of the events like this, police stayed to the outer edges of the crowd and picked on people with pipes and the younger members of the crowd. Several arrests were reported.
Marvin Marvin and I warmed the crowd with hemp hemp hurrah's, then I got to give the first speech of the afternoon.Given only five minutes, being as it was the right time of year, I took the opportunity to tell the crowd about the Grow 420 project. A few of the highlights were Tommy Chong's stand-up comedy routine. Dana Beal, Gatewood Galbraith, Elvy Musikka and other activists, took turns addressing the crowd for the hour allotted. By the end of the hour our information desk was completely empty.
After the official gathering I was interviewed by the local pressThe Bash was moved over to Dominic's restaurant a few blocks away. They had the street blocked off and a bandstand set up in front of the Restaurant. Chef rah spoke and gave a cooking demonstration. A couple of bands managed to play before the police ordered the stage shut down. Activists citing first amendment rights, took over the stage and continued as the afternoon progressed. I gave a nice impromptu speech which was well received by the gathered masses. Marvin Marvin's gave an inspiring speech, sans shirt, but was interrupted by some fools in a low rider, who thought the event was about hopping cars. All in all Hash Bash 99 was another success for spreading the cannabis fever and for networking among the people and the activists alike.
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