August 14th I got an early start, I hit Denver just before noon all
I can say is AHHHHH!!!! Did anyone consider that doing work on every major artery
at the same time would cause some gridlock? Two hours later and 50 miles down the
road I left the Metro Denver area. I then found my way to Colorado Springs.
I checked into a cheap motel $25, includes local phone and internet. I passed on the shower..
The room was filthy, But it served the purpose. I checked and answered some email before settling in for an evening of television.August 15th Saturday Spent the morning working on the Web site. ![]()
Spent the afternoon at the Garden of the Gods. Pictures and words like fantastic and spectacular will only insult the sites seen here. Huge towering red sandstone formations with the back drop of the Rockies and Pikes Peak. If you are ever anywhere near here you must check out the Garden of the gods.
The Garden of the Gods
Watched television for the evening. Tried to work more late in the evening. About midnight there was a knock upon the door. Is this your van out here? Yeah.. are you John? Yeah I wanted to stop and shake your hand. My name is John too, want to burn some? Umm, this seems pretty strange but okay. John was quite drunk, but he did share a bowl of some good herbs. When I got him to leave I went to bed.
August 16th Up and at them early, last check of email, couple of uploads, then tore down the computer packed up and went to the 8th annual Colorado Springs Hempfest After the event I took right to the road and put a hundred miles or so in before crashing at a campground in Howard Colorado.