So in order to leave the stress of the "real world" behind I moved into an area slowly being taken over by the Amish. Some locals seemed panicked, the daily cry is they are taking over everything, war could break out any day...
A young Amish couple bought the lot about a half mile up the road. Amish buggies suddenly became a daily, rather than weekly routine.
THe Amish Gangs buggies take over the hiway, my road becomes a buggy expressway covered in horse shit. They flaunt their colors with their uniforms and straw hats.
Every time the buggies go by my dogs get excited and will chase them if they have a chance.The day came when they built their house. 40 buggies arrived over a three hour period, that afternoon the returned over a four hour period.
An empty lot now had a full size house in about six hours... WOW, I've been working five years on my house...
The buggy drivers choose to ignore the dogs completely, they don't stop or slow. Wilma took the first hit, she got bumped by a wheel. The driver actually stopped to see if she was okay. At one point I was holding back a couple of dogs and heard a snide remark from the woman onboard. She said, "I don't know why he doesn't keep those animals in the barn where they belong!"
Mini was the ring leader, I kept asking her what she would do if she caught a buggy.
So she showed me she got her chance ran up along side passed daringly through the tires passed the horse, and swung around stopping the horse in it's tracks and refusing to allow it to pass.
The Amish man gave me the look like what are you going to do, I shrugged my shoulders and chalked it up to God's Will, since the dogs obviously wasn't listening to me.I was at the store the other day and an Amish couple were ahead of me in line. When the woman presented a tax exemption card the clerk, told her it was not valid because it said it was for charity exemption not farm exemption. She said it was the same card they always use, and then the Clerk decided to call in the manager, and called for a second register to be opened so she could further harass the couple. The Manager said the couples tax card was fine so she scanned it.
It was then the Amish woman presented a check and the clerk said you can't use a check with out a licence or social security number...
I'll leave that one there for the moment...The other day there was a knock at my door, an Amish man stood there. Behind him a mini van full of straw hats.
I asked how could I help you?
His reply "I know you have my dog and I don't care how it came to be, but this is a valuable dog, and I am not leaving without it!"Quite puzzled I told him that, "There was no possibility in the world that his dog was here."
To which he replied, "there is no sense in lying, I saw it here with my own two eyes when passing on the buggy the other day.
At this point I was thinking this asshole has, come onto my property and called me a liar and a thief. I wonder if he awoke this morning and god said to him "today it is my will that you get you ass kicked."
But I continued the polite game and asked what his dog looked like.
He replied Black pointed ears, and some breed I never heard of.
I pointed to the only black dog with pointed and asked if she was the dog he saw.
He said no his dog was bigger and didn't have the white chest. He then demanded to see the animals in the barns.It turns out that his dog has been missing over a year and I have seen him, but he won't come near people, I have to wonder why.
I sent the man on his way, he says he is keeping an eye on me...I guess the war is on
Staying on the Amish buggy band wagon, I actually saw An Amish child having gleeful fun. Now we don't think of the Amish as being a fun sort of people but, the other day I saw an Amish buggy go by during a crappy snow storm. Behind the buggy a rope followed, on the end of the rope a smal boy of about ten on skis with the biggest grin I have seen on anyone in years...
Other mentions of the amish at Web Station #19
Amish, Pagans arrested in two-county drug ringTuesday, June 23, 1998
by Janet Kelley and Todd R. Weiss New Era Staff WritersPHILADELPHIA _ With traditional names like Stoltzfus and King, several Amish young people were charged along with Pagan motorcycle gang members this morning with distributing drugs throughout Lancaster and Chester counties.
This morning,state police and FBI agents swept through the two counties and arrested suspects they say have been distributing multiple kilos of cocaine and methamphetamine in the area for several years.
In Chester County _ it was members of the Pagan motorcycle gang, police said.
In Lancaster County _ it was members of Amish youth groups known as the Crickets, Antiques and Pilgrims, police said.
"Bikes and buggies," Pennsylvania State Police Major Robert Werts said at a press conference in Philadelphia this morning. "It's a rather strange combination.
"Our drug investigations are taking us to places where years ago we didn't think we had a problem. And we do."
In a Philadelphia press conference late this morning, federal authorities explained how the drug ring operated: The Chester County Pagans would obtain the drugs and sell them to Amish people for distribution in Lancaster County at hoedowns _ a traditional gathering dance or social for Amish and other teens and young adults. Most hoedowns are held in barns. Younger Amish attend them before they become formal members of the conservative church _ which usually happens in their late teens
"The obvious lesson here," U.S. Attorney Michael Stiles said, "is the drug problem is everywhere. It is not limited to the mean streets of Philadelphia. Drugs can sweep into any community," including the Plain community of Lancaster County.
"It was difficult to understand how two different worlds could collide," Special Agent Robert Conforti said. "It's something in my (26) years in the FBI, I've never encountered before."
The federal indictment alleges that between 1992 and 1997, members of the Chester County Chapter of the Pagans purchased the drugs from various sources and resold the drugs to others.If convicted, the defendants face penalties ranging from a minimum of five years of supervised release to a maximum of a life sentence. They also face fines ranging up to $4 million and possible forfeiture of all property that resulted from illegal drug proceeds or that was used to commit the crimes.
Amish, Flee scene arrested after crashing buggy
Sunday March 11th 2012,
4 Amish Arrested After Buggy Hits Cop Car Authorities in western New York say they've charged four young Amish adults with illegal possession of alcohol after their buggy collided with a police car responding to a report of a drinking party under way. The Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office tells media outlets that the crash occurred around 7:15 Sunday in the rural town of Sherman, near the Pennsylvania border in New York's southwest corner. Officials say deputies were responding to reports that people were drinking in several Amish buggies on a country road. As a patrol car arrived on the scene, one of the Amish buggies changed lanes, colliding with the police vehicle. The buggy flipped onto its side, causing minor injuries to one of the people on board. Police say several other buggies fled the scene.
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