Recub: Hey John, You busy?
JohnG101:Not too busy for a friend?
Recub: presidential candidate?
JohnG101: Yes I am
Recub: I am a centrist political analyst (its a hobby)
Recub: I have never heard of you
Recub: that is really brave
JohnG101: Running is brave?
210 candidates out there, for those who are paying attention
Recub: wow, that is insane
JohnG101: I think it's more a sign of the times
JohnG101: It's also a sign that the media has picked up on but 12 or should I say is reporting on but a dozen candidates.
well nothing like an awful president to show people how terribly necessary it is to make sure competent people get in office
JohnG101: and yet the polls still show around 50% support for that president
Recub: you seem to have a wonderful grip on the serious nature of the office
Recub: which I commend
JohnG101: I want to present the most serious campaign to prove a point
JohnG101: also I want to win...
Recub: how much do you have in campaign funds
JohnG101: currently?
Recub: yes
JohnG101: $2
Recub: that's awful, considering the necessity of your ideas to our continued enjoyment of freedom
JohnG101: I am hoping for more
JohnG101: The campaign will continue at my expense, truth being this campaign, will likely be the straw that breaks the bankrupt camel's back.
JohnG101:But I am here for the distance, unlike also dems who have already thrown in the towel
Recub: dems tend to be just as bad as republicans
Johng101: Same shit different piles

Recub: you have similar feelings on abortion to me

JohnG101: So you are reading my site now..
everybody tells me that you can't be elected without a strong stance on abortion
Recub: I think it is an unfortunate institution, but there are better ways at attacking it, like building the character of girls in our society, or working with abstinence and contraceptives
JohnG101: I think making that stance only proves to piss off 50% of the electorate
Recub: that makes sense

JohnG101: it was the only question I passed on (didn't answer) on the NPAT
Recub: what is the NPAT?
JohnG101: National political awareness test
Recub: neat
JohnG101: it is put out by project vote smart
JohnG101: covers most of the issues and possible positions
JohnG101: So what brought you to me today?
Recub: well, right now, with the move toward polarization in our American class system, the society is becoming just as aesthetic as preindustrial europe
Recub: so these hot button issues are very important, while long term issues are neglected
Recub: too bad for candidates, like yourself with substance
JohnG101: It's why I am me...

Recub: to answer your previous query
Recub: so I remembered this shirt I saw a long time ago that said "Who Is John Galt?"
Recub: and I realized didn't have a clue
JohnG101: google?
Recub: yeah
JohnG101: most people find me there
JohnG101: So are you polisci major?

Recub: PoliSci made politics seem very futile
Recub: like an industry
JohnG101: sick industry producing little bushs and clintons
JohnG101: a side note both Kerry and Bush refused to take the NPAT...
JohnG101: so as a centrist political analyst, do you believe the center still exists
Recub: its ambiguous
Recub: I try to maintain objectivity where it can
JohnG101: because the issues don't align
Recub: its hard to be a centrist
Recub: but I dont like the right or the left
Recub: (i'm actually a communist)
JohnG101: I don't understand true republicans and democrats
voting straight ticket and issue
JohnG101: Communist or socialist?
Recub: traditional Communist
Recub: you would say...socialist?
JohnG101: I think it depends on what you believe there are some fine lines... I believe that our present state of affairs, that economically we are socialist and politically leaning towards some sick version of monarchy defined by the good ole boys down in Texas...
JohnG101: Economics is my real passion but you have to get past the politics
Recub: We are a twisted republic
Recub: the class system is near ripening for revolution
Recub: I can feel it
JohnG101: overdue
Recub: Im a pacifist
JohnG101: Do you know about the RAVE Act
Recub: is that the same thing shutting down paraphernalia shops?
JohnG101: that was Operation pipe dream
Recub: all I know is Operation Pipeline
JohnG101: The rave act (to protect our children) basically says that if you have a public gathering and anyone is found to be using illegal drugs that the promoter and property owner can be held responsible
Recub: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
JohnG101: Which could be read to be use of cigarettes or alcohol by minors
It could be defined as a backyard bbq, block party or even church services
JohnG101: $10,000 fine 5-7 in jail and forfeiture of property
JohnG101: They really haven't prosecuted anyone under it yet, but they are using it as an excuse to shut down political rallies that focus around legalization of marijuana. I don't think it would hold up to a constitutional muster in court
JohnG101: 9/4/01 was a big turning point for me
JohnG101: have you heard of Rainbow farms Campground incident
Recub: no
JohnG101: Rainbows farms camp was a place in Michigan where they were openly pro-pot
JohnG101: and thousands of people were checking out their chance to be somewhere free
they got a court order to shut down the place because it was conducive to drug dealing
JohnG101: not that any laws were actually broken, but they could be...
Recub: that makes no sense

Recub: hello prohibition and censorship
Recub: Bush is ridiculous
JohnG101: Rainbow Farms was raided and the owner executed on the spot by FBI sharpshooters trying to arrest the owner
Recub: He was Killed!?
JohnG101: 5 shots to the head 3 to the body and one in the arm
Recub: thats insane
JohnG101: So my first thought about 911 was that the pacifist pot heads finally had enough
Recub: 911 didn't effect me
JohnG101: The RAVE act had not yet been passed on 9/4/01, but what the government did there is now legal according to the Rave Act.
Recub: How much press did the political execution of a peaceful person get?

JohnG101: There was a lot of press for a week and then 911 happened and it was shuffled to the bottom of the deck
JohnG101: High times and Playboy did cover the incident
JohnG101: The owner of the campground was my friend, so I have decided to remain politically involved pain in the ass until the government pays or changes
JohnG101: Read up on the Rave Act and The Patriot act, stay pissed off at the current situation and remember Kerry supported everything that Bush did...

Recub: and for 2008?
JohnG101: I haven't decided about 2008
JohnG101: this is my third try and frankly it has been a long strange trip
Recub: How have you grown politically and emotionally throughout your runs?
Johng101: I would have to say, I've grown more knowledgeable about the politics of politics,
the way things are supposed to be and the way things really are, the workings of government
and the problems with government in general as well as problems in our form of government,
which is out of control at every level.
Emotionally, I feel like a frightened little child who is getting smaller every day...
: Thanx for the interview

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