The Maze of LIFE You must make decisions
Life is like a huge complex maze,
you must start at the beginning,
the path ahead is not always visible
Sometimes the visible is not clear
Which way to go?
You never know for sure,
where it is, you will lead yourself
Often feeling you are on the wrong path,
you must go back, to find the right one
Sometimes going back seems harder
But to return by the right path,
is far better than crossing the lines
Often it doesn't matter which path you take,
both paths lead to the same point
Some prefer to travel alone,
others enjoy the rewards of a mate
However in the end,
We all end up in the same place.![]()
R.E. Gascon 2/17/80
Like Life this maze is real
and like life you must decide
What images represent good
and which represent evil...
where the beginning is and
where the end is...
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