Presenting a Evening at Jazzberry Farm
a Middle of Nowhere Block Party2017 Jazzberry Jam and Picnic
June 24th 2017
Noon - 5pm
Jazzberry Farm's Annual Puppy Picnic Spend the afternoon enjoying the afternoon with the puppy of your choice!!!4pm - 9pm
Featuring Maury Rosenberg performing with Folk singer JoAnn Vaccaro
AKA The Hypnotic Clambake Duo
nationally touring, Local folk artist Emma Tyme
As well as locals GypsyRose, and Saxophonist Nate Marino
Late addition Walrus Junction
Who is invited? Friendly people and friendly dogs that reside in the aforementioned area or not...
Hopes to be a gathering of old and new friends, also well as the re-union of the Jazzberry HoundsSo What happened?
First we time traveled back to 2007
Despite an all out battle with the winds and a large black blob attempting to eat Walrus Junction's drummer during their set
The rest of the show itself was excellent!!!
Gypsy Rose made her sixth appearance at Jazzberry Farm.
Then Walrus Junction
But the hippie Chicks ignored the dance floor and danced barefoot on the grass lawn.
Then Emma Tyme came back for her second performance at the farm
Followed by Hypnotic Clambake the Duo
Then Joann Vacarro backed by Maury
The newest member of the jazzberry family Joann,
backed by Maury and Emma stole the show with this Bob Dylan Cover
Emma Backed by Joann and Maury
and Maury backed by Joann and Emma
From here it got wild and personal, The best yet to come, that part is saved for those who attended
Maury pulled out classics like Antman and obscure songs like Bi-sexual Military until the solar powered spot light died
Then Maury performed a short accordion solo for some late comers, as the sun set we called it a day...
Address is Jazzberry Farm 10177 County Road 16 Swain NY 14884
Jazzberry Farm Home
Camping at Jazzberry?
Jazzberry Farms shows are in Memorial of Rainbow Farms, Butcher Boogie, New Vibrations Society, Swagstock, SShh Festivals, Tune Town and Every other Venue / show
that has been cut short by the War on certain drugs and the war on certain music, AKA RAVE act because the powers that be think we might be having too much fun to be legal...
driving spiders crazy since 1995
prying eyes of big mother Nunda Dansville Canaseraga arkport hornell Alfred Belmont Belfast Hume Fillmore Portageville legalization Allegheny livingston county Live music Angelica dalton short tract birdsall Swain almond happy days Peace Freedom and Tolerance Music puppies Gypsy Rose picnic medical voyages bare feet freedom vote the Jazzberry Jam festival back to the garden jazzberry farm summer solstice sshh bookmark poems icebergs robin williams dog friendly mini festival Hypnotic Clambake Emma Tyme Carlin Ron risk jazz blues folk polka amazing free show Maury Brooke Shields wizard oz bill of rights gemini green whales ganja homeless muggle Goldie Hawn haiti beards kate hudson Gascon for president celebrities phoenix mind freak recession mute swan goodwill bill weeds Barby Holder Folk Celtic Music Marci Geller extra meat