What Lbk has to say

I'm sorry to say that the viewpoints and attitudes of the sort found at your website are really the cause of most of the confusion and lack of self control exhibited by many in our nation today. I remember being in class when I was young and when the teacher said to "settledownnow!" you "settleddownnow" because it wasn't very pleasant if you didn't I also remember that in most towns and cities I've lived in across the southwest, you were stopped and questioned if you were "making the drag" after a certain hour. You also got tickets for things unheard of today such as improper lane change, lights of bright with on-coming traffic and loud stereos etc etc. today the cops get shot for daring to stop someone who is obliviously drunk or otherwise endangering our families and loved ones. They also continue to have more rights than the law abiding among us. You could'nt get me to be a cop today for all the tea in china. jon, most of the time I have found that people who have a beef with police officers, usually have been their guests at one time or another and usually the cause is violating someone else's constitutional rights. Bottom line is this, I used to leave my door unlocked at night and now I don't --Now you tell me who is in prisondom, me or the convict!



Thanks for taking a look and sending a letter. I always enjoy different view points but I don't think ours are as different as you may think... However all these viewpoints attitudes and opinions offered here are those of real Americans. I guess your position is that all us Americans represented here are not entitled to be free thinking? I suspect you are a little too brain washed to realize what you are saying. Perhaps you would be happier in China, Iran or Iraq? All the news items here are real from real news reports, newspapers and television... Did you read anything anything at all that wasn't the truth? I did not make these events up. At least 75% of the postings available here are also some place on the web as well... Is your position that we should ignore what is really going on in our country and and listen to the politicians who tells us everything is just fine? (because their pockets are full of crooked money) Lock up anyone who disagrees with your own personal view of the world?

My site has only existed for 8 months so I personally didn't create the confusion that we live in. I personally have self control I have not been involved with a violent confrontation in over twenty years, I do not rob beat or murder people, I don't do hard drugs, but I do work hard. The truth being I am only a few years younger than you. I just missed Vietnam, and I can't say I'm sorry as I could never ever shoot at or kill someone based on their form of government, religion, race or country of origin. If I am to be violent it would be in self-defense only. When I was a teenager I got into fights a lot of them, but I never never Hit someone first.
Letters like yours remind me that we all don't live in the same America. Where I lived for the past eight years we have the highest per-capital of police to citizens in the whole country!! It's not a big city it is State College Pa. You see State College like the Federal government is thriving on revenue enhancement. Here they never solve a murder or bank robbery, seldom solve any reported crime. Many times they just take you statement over the phone and tell you if you find out who did it give them a call back...
Here if you get pulled over by the police you are suddenly surrounded by three cars and six cops. they give you as many tickets as possible, your back window is too dirty, your rust spot is too big... everybody out of the car I am searching you for drugs and weapons. They hand out tickets by the hundreds for jay walking illegal parking, loitering and the such.

You say: I have found that people who have a beef with police officers, usually have been their guests at one time or another and usually the cause is violating someone else's constitutional rights. I reply What about these folks. Statistically speaking most Americans are arrested at one point or another in their life... But you are right I have been arrested harassed searched but never convicted of anything. Here you can be fined for parking on your own lawn, for not mowing your lawn, for having dandelions, for not shoveling your snow and even for your dog barking. Every party that happens in this town is busted for noise ordinance and while they are there for the noise they search the place demand ID from everybody and hand out hundreds of dollars worth of tickets. Yet they don't solve any real crimes. Bikes are stolen by the dozens burglary is the norm, car stereos and cars just disappear, all unsolved, unless some one tips them or they catch them in the act...
Meanwhile two hours away in Philly and all over the country, cops are arresting cops and judges and other officials as fast as criminals, planting drugs, pay backs, beatings, robbery, rape. Not people but cops are the criminals...
I like to think that the main message of my "site" is that people have different viewpoints, traditions, opinions and beliefs... They can not be placed in to neat little packages by the government. The federal government operates like State College, it is all about money...bottom line and nothing else matters to those bozos who claim to be representing us. We need tolerance of other peoples lifestyles not more laws to try to make us all the same.

You say : "Bottom line is this, I used to leave my door unlocked at night and
now I don't --Now you tell me who is in prison, me or the convict!
and that exactly is my point! Why are the cops coming into our homes to see what we are smoking, what we are reading, who we are sleeping with... when the guy who killed my neighbor is driving a stolen car around looking for his next victim???
You say;
I say I believe I have presented a large amount of possible solutions Mainly
Stop locking up people who pose no threat to society
Kick all these crooked greedy bastards running this country out of office
Limit the scope of the federal government to it's original intents
Peace and Freedom are they really too much to ask for? John Galt jr.

Note: Lbk did not respond back to my retort, I guess his training (brainwashing) keep him from looking at logic and common sense...But he did say Case Closed which means I don't want to listen to or face the truth...

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