Before we get into Hemp Aid 99, I would like to tell you about it's home... Hemp Aid is held at Rainbow Farm Campgrounds AKA the freest place in America. The recently expanded campground now sets on 59 acres and just added a well stocked camp store and hot showers.
Sounds like any other campground right? Not exactly, Rainbow farm is freedom friendly, that is to say very very weed friendly and they made some exciting announcements about the future of the farm. The concise version of the rules is no glass, no violence, and no dealing.We arrived around noon on Friday, the place was hustling and bustling with the last minute duties of the staff. Several hundred campers were already settled in and the party had begun. The entire campground smelled of fresh cut grass and a faint skunk smell. By night fall around 3000 peaceful loving stoned people had gathered to enjoy the music and atmosphere of the rainbow farm. The hot sun beat down each day, highs approached 85 plus. A tractor pulled a double wagon around the grounds and through the woods providing a constant hay ride. The activist tent was set up stage left, not only was plenty of literature available, but most of it was grabbed up by the information starved crowd. The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus had a tent stage right and performed thoughout the weekend. Tommy Chong performed with his Family Stoned Band on Saturday, an interesting mix of classic rock with stoner jokes. The now famous naked hippie slide was set up on Saturday and Sunday night.
A new feature, the naked hippie dunking booth entertained the people with three balls for a buck. Since I can't really begin to describe how wonderful the blend of the good weed, great music and fantastic company can be in this medium, you'll just have to come out and experience it for yourself. Before the weekend was over the crowd grew to 5000 + and 15 or so bands and a dozen activists had graced the stage. Most of the speakers focused their message on voting and getting involved with activism. Elvy, Richard Lake, Rob Robertson (NY C.A.N.), Marvin Marvin (Partie Party) and several others got their messages out to the enthusiastic crowd. Late Sunday night Steven Hagar (editor Hightimes) Gave a powerful speech about cannabis spirituality, followed by a mantric ohm.
Some of the more interesting announcements and comments follow:
Derrick Decrane announced that the Rainbow Farms Campground is now open all summer for the price of just $10 per day, same rules apply... Basically this Means that a person with a lot of time and a $1000 dollars, can come for Hemp Aid and hang out until the Roach Roast event labor day weekend.
Marvin Marvin announced an end to his presidential bid, in favor of running for Michigan State Senator. Marvin denied that his pitiful showing in the impromptu presidential debate during last years Roach Roast had anything to do with his decision, but confirmed that the Partie Party was now supporting John Galt jr for president in 2000. Marvin continued by questioning myself about those presidential plans. I announced Presidential pardons all around for the political prisoners of the drug war and a plan to legalize by July 4th 2000, to be marked by a ceremonial smoking of the inaugural joint on the White house lawn. Rumors of a pool, rec room and access to a near by lake were confirmed as plans for next season, as well as a new larger covered stage for the 2000 season.
John Addresses the gathered masses
A gopher shows off his skills
Derrick Decrane when asked how many people were in attendance " A hell of a lot more than ever before" Stage manager, poet you gotta love this guy.
Tom (owner of the farm) when asked about the abundance of marijuana at the festival... "Well, we had some reports of marijuana being smoked, Security checked it out and wasn't able to pin point the location of the smell"
Nude Dude laying near the porta potties, "ah shit I lost my baggie somewhere"
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