Friends activists, citizens,
The excitement of election 2004 is here and later this year we will elect a new president. During this upcoming year ask yourself, if King George the 2nd has made the world a better place? Has he or his policies made your life any better? Ask Yourself Have the Democrats or the Republicans as a whole supported the people or Corporate America? If you come to the same conclusions I have, you will decide that the reign of the Republicrats should be ended.
Margaret Mead once said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."I am looking for that small group of thoughtful citizens but will settle for a loose net of over enthusiastic, highly optimistic patriots seeking social and political change.
Over the Past ten years I have carefully gathered email addresses of people who may think like I do, about the issues so dear to me. Currently those lists total around 20,000 people.
If you think I have some good ideas, tell others so that soon 10,000 will become 100,000 and by next election day if we can get 60 million voters on board, then we can change the world.
In order to get things really moving also need some celebrity endorsement and TV exposure of any kind on any show. I also think a celebrity as VP is a good idea!
Why don't we all run for office? You could pick out the highest open position representing your state. (Governor, Congressman Senator, state representative) We could all cross promote and possibly create a new political party to express the wills of us the citizens ignored.
In our future we should consider making the Greens and the Libertarians our controlling parties and we should examine the wisdom of having a president that lacks political ties to control this new mix of politics.
Ron / John in Action !!! So Where is My grand Campaign?
Well here's the thing, While I do have supporters, With sky rocketing gas prices and my supporters all as broke as myself... Donations have been far below what was expected or needed. You see this begs to the whole problem that politics is what it is. Anybody who has the kind of money that it takes to support a national candidate, is not interested in a candidate like myself. The point being at least 95% of us citizens don't have the kind of money it takes to play with the big boys. Those are the people that I represent, is that 95% of people that 5% ignores.I do have several projects in the works, but most are currently hampered by finances.
What monies we have, will be saved until next spring and summer, then we can see who is still running.
Still my campaign continues, here in cyberspace as well as any place I may find myself on any given day.
I am putting my faith into $5,000, my friends and your co-operation spreading the word.The truth is the campaign started well over twelve years ago, I think the campaign is still doing well.
I have done email interviews, online chats, radio talk shows, newspapers, pretty much everything.
This year, I'll be making appearances again and speaking at various events in the north east.
My plan is to sit back and watch as most of the other candidates spend millions of dollars trying to get their fifteen minutes of fame and then drop out two weeks later . So I'll make my big moves after people have forgotten that, Vilsack or Joe Biden were ever even running. Frankly I am not new to this game and I am waiting to see who is still running come next September. Truth is, that the last sixty days are the only ones that count and a lot of things could still happen, after all, all I need is one day and sixty million pissed off Americas to write in my name, instead of taking the choices that the Republicrates shove down your throat this election cycle.What I really need right now is some television exposure, anyone who thinks they might be able to give me a hand there please write to me!
The combined Bush / Kerry 2004 campaigns cost a record one billion dollars. A billion dollars to brainwash the sheeple into believing that they have no other choices.
Yet I was the only candidate answering all questions about anybody's issues. If you don't think you have any issues, think again, read the platforms, look at the future being created for you with out your input...
Issues? 44 Questions from the people and
all the answers from Ron / John
(selected questions and answers from various interviews)
Where is John?
Who says I can't win?
Why am I running?
I believe
My platform
Bush Bashing
Public Speeches
Who is running?
Who to Vote For?A Special Message for 18-26 year olds
Referendums for 2004 ~
Promises if Elected I will!A True Drug Reform Policy
Letters from the American Public
The FederalBudget and the Deficit
Marijuana and the War in America?
Global Warming and the Green house effect
Re-Elect No-One and consider writing in
Ronald E. Gascon (AKA John Galt jr.) for President in 2004.Some people wrote to say that they didn't like the design of my website?
First off, I don't know which idiot you plan on voting for, but I'll bet he couldn't make his own website if he tried. On the other hand If the people want Red White Blue sites I need to please them so I picked up the html for dummies book, read another chapter and came up with this...
Why we have corruption in government
Representative Government?
Gun Control in America
John Galt jr. Biography
Printable Campaign PosterMost Dangerous shows on TV
Top Ten from 2004
Top ten from 2000
*We also need to be working towards self sufficiency at all levels of society, in order to reduce excess costs (and related pollution) of transporting merchandise from across the country or around the world. Yes this means communities growing their own food and supporting local business as a matter of principle. We don't even need a law to do this!
*****************************************It is amazing the kinds of questions people come up.
Equally amazing, the things people use to help them decide who they should vote for.A lot of people actually ask about your pets, well here are mine.
Usually when you do an interview you have no idea what they are going to do with the information...
From 2004 Fast Food election
The Challenge to the other Candidates ~Nobody is trying to get rich here and we have some wars to stop both domestic and foreign. Conquering the world will not stop terrorism and locking up our youth will not stop drug addiction.