June 1970- My first protest inevitably leads to my road to the White House
Recently I have had more time on my hands than I am used to having. So I have been looking at notebooks with notes about stories not yet written, flyers from shows barely remembered, dozens of shows, protests and events that I planned to write about. Suddenly I realized that I owe Rob Robinson an apology. I have attended the New York State Harvest Festival for ten of the last twelve years and never once posted a story about it. N Y Harvest festival moves around a lot and always always is a good time, unless it never stop raining, then there still is friends and fun to be had. I wondered why I overlooked this excellent festival so many times?
I realized that Harvest Festival is the last gathering of the season in the north east, last chance to party like well it was legal, I did many times. Those who have read my accounts of shows know that I seldom say much about Sunday, or Monday parts of the shows, because that's when things get real personal and the whole world don't need to hear about it, if you know what I mean.
Well the truth is that is how I feel about Harvest festival as a whole, Last chance, last dance, goodbye until the spring.1998- 2003
4/19/2003 420 Campout
June 6th 2003 National Medical Marijuana Protests
June 21- fifth Summer Solstice Hemp Happening2002
June 21, 2002 Fourth Summer Solstice Hemp happening
7/21-22/2001 World Hemp Festival 2001 Harrisburg Oregon
6/15-17/2001 The 3rd annual Summer Solstice Hemp Happening
4/20-21/2001 420 Campout2000
7/8 -7/11/2000 National Governors Convention State College Pa.
7/15-16th World Hemp Festival 2000 Harrisburg Oregon
7/13 - 7/16th 3rd Annual Art's Festival Smokeout State College Pa
7/29/2000 9th Hempslash / Whee Festival Afton Ny
6/16 - 6/18 Summer Solstice Hemp Happening
May 5, 2000, Rock Against Racism
May 2000 Weedstock 2000 Baraboo Wisconsin4/1/2000 Hash Bash 2000 I was there, but I didn't speak due to my surgery
4/03/99 1999 Hash Bash
4/20/99 First Annual Citizen Freedom 420 rally Essington Pa.
4/24/99 Peace pot picnic Camden NJ
5/01/99 Million Marijuana March New York City and around the world
5/28-31 Hemp Aid 99
6/18-21 Summer Solstice Hemp Happening Cherrytree Pa.
7/4/99 30th annual Marijuana Smoke in Washington D.C.
7/6/99 Legalize Chase Corporate Challenge Protest NYCity
9/9/99 Re-legalize Marijuana Day at Penn State
9/18/99 Boston Freedom Rally
11/30/99 World Trade Organization Protests
12/31/99 News Years Eve in State College PaThe Journey 1998
4/20/98 National Marijuana Protest Day
5/2/98 Cures not wars Marijuana march New York City
5/29/98 Potzilla Party New York City
6/12/98 Greater Columbus Cannabis Campout June 12th -14th
6/13/98 March Against Pain Washington D.C.
7/1/98 The great Journey of the most protesting man in America
7/4/98 The 29th Annual Fourth of July Hemp Rally Washington D.C.
8/16/98 8th annual Colorado Springs Hempfest
8/23/98 Seventh Annual Seattle Hempfest
9/4/98 Roach Roast 98
9/26/98 Cannabis Festiva
10/3/98 Boston Freedom Rally
10/31/98 Delaware Freedom fest
1st Annual Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Art's 30 hour smokeout
Bellefonte Pa protestsJune 1998
Prisoners of Drug War protest Bellefonte Pennsylvania June 7th - 9th 1998
State College Protests January and February1998
State College Protests March and April
State College Protests May and June
State College Protests July98